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-Yoongis POV-

I was patiently/impatiently waiting for Jimin. I havent seen him all day, I just want to hold him right now. "Yoongi? Dont worry he will be here soon." I heard my Dad say as he ushered me back into the restaurant. I continued my pacing inside. I looked out again and spotted our company van pulling in. I laughed to myself and went out to greet Jimin. I froze seeing him, he looked completely beautiful. Almost like an angel. "Minnie!" I started to run towards him finally holding him. "Oh baby! Dont let me go please." I heard Jimin whisper softly against my neck. "I wont. Ive missed you." I say.

After a sweet make out session I lead Jimin into the restaurant and straight to our private booth. "Wow its so beautiful here Yoongi. Im impressed." Jimin was like a kid in a candy shop. Everything was amazing to him, he was adorable. Jimin was already sitting in our booth when I went to tell my Mom that Jimin was here, and reminding them that whatever he orders to make it perfect. "Sorry Im back." I said as I sat down and looked over at Jimin. He was pouting at me. "Do you have to sit there?" He mumbled. I giggled and walked around to sit next to him.

We stared at each other for awhile before I pulled him into a kiss. I licked and bit his lips asking to enter which he allowed earning a tiny whimper from him. We were brought back to reality by someone clearing there throat. We turned to see my brother, Jimin in embarassment burried his face into my neck. "Sorry to stop the almost sex scene, but are you guys ready to order? Or is your hunger already satisfied?" My brother said with a smirk. Earning a whine from Jimin "Hyung! Dont make it worse...we just missed each other." My brother just laughed and leaned into my ear. "Little brother, if you dont hurry up and marry this guy I will gladly beat you up." I just nodded and began ordering for me and Jimin.

We spent our time laughing at our memories together, the scavenger hunt and other things. My phone buzzed and it was Taehyung. "Hyung everything is in place! Let us know when you are 15 minutes aways so we can add the last touches :)"  I suddenly felt so nervous. Its finally here! Im about to re-propose to Jimin and begin that step in our relationship. "Yoongi? I have something to tell you..well two things." Please be good..I nodded facing him completely. "First thing, Im absolutely in love with today. You made me so happy and I felt special." He said as his face fell. "S-second thing..I-I uh I lost the ring..Im sorry I thought I was car-" I smashed my lips against his to shut him up.

"I love you Jimin. My Jiminie." We rested our foreheads against each other catching our breathes. "I love you too. My softie." We finished our meal and ate dessert before heading to the car. "Where to now?" Jimin said climbing into the car. "Home. Just follow me." I said walking to our car. I quickly texted Taehyung when we were close, I also checked and saw that Jimin was fine. He was jamming out to music in his car. "Jimin, go ahead inside Ill be in soon." I said as we parked our cars.

-Jimins POV-

I walked into the apartment and there was music playing. It was Best of Me. I looked down the hallway and saw rose petals leading to our room. Yoongi is really going all out today. I opened our door and there was candles all the room. "Oh my goodness..." I looked at our bed and there was an envelope. "The last note" This is seriously the sweetest thing anyone could do for me.

The note said "Park Jiminie:) I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Do you know what I love most about you?" I read aloud. "Babe?" I turned to see Yoongi. "What did I do to deserve this? All of this." I said as I felt tears coming out. "I-is it too much? Do you n-" "No I loved it. I-I just uh. Babe please.." I said cutting him, which I ended up being a bit whiny. "What do you need?" He said in a softer tone. "Hold me." I whispered.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around me pulling me close as we started to sway. "So what do you love most about me?" I asked. "Its a long list actually. Lets see where do I start?" He said causing me to giggle. "Ah I know. Your laugh. Its cute, I could record it and listen to it forever with no complaints. Its my favorite noise to hear from you." He said as he rubbed circles on my hips. "I love your eyes. Especially when you look at me like Im the only in the room." I hid my face in neck as I listened to him.

"I love how you do this when your nervous or feel embarassed. It makes me feel important. I love your lips, big and plump. You have the sexiest smile." He said as he began leaving kisses on my face. "I dont know what to say right now Yoongi." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thats okay just listen to me brag about your perfection. Thats another thing I love. You are perfect in every way. I love the way your hands feel in mine. I love the way you dance. I love your pure heart, and the kindness you have. I love that sassy atritude you have. I love that you are the one that I have a family with. I love how strong I feel with you, but I love how vulnerable you make me. I love being with you, no matter what we are doing. Your genuine. Your smart. Funny. Sexy as hell." He says before taking a step back.

"Guess what else I love Jiminie?" He says with tears in his eyes. I couldnt speak so I shrugged. But I was shocked at what he did next. He got down on one knee as he said the sweetest thing. "I would love it if your response is still the same. Because Park Jimin, I love that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you still marry me?" I felt my legs give out and I fell. "Yoongi..I love you so fucking much." I said as I clutched onto his jacket. "Uh babe..you havent answered my question." I heard him say. Oh yeah. "M-min Yoongi, my answer will always be yes. I love you. I love everything you do for me and today you made me feel nearly 7 years of love that you have for me. I feel special because of you. I wouldnt give this up for anything in the world." I said before connecting our lips. Min Yoongi has stolen my heart, so Im going to love stealing his last name. "I love you Min Jimin." "I love you Min Yoongi." That night we expressed our love in an intimate way. Not by fucking, but sweet love making. I couldnt feel any more beautiful then how Yoongi made me feel today.

And I know he felt the same way. (:

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