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-Jimins POV-
I walked down our hallway after hearing a window crack. "There he is. Come Chim Chim." I turn to run but I couldnt move. "T-tony please stop it." He pushed me on the couch, ripping my clothes as I screamed out. "Scream all you want, no one will come to you. Its jist us." "Yoongi will come for me." I say back as he left kisses on my chest. I called out for Yoongi over and over. But he didnt come. "YOONGI!" I snapped up out of bed. It was just a dream. I began crying as the memories came back. Yoongi wasnt here to comfort me, where is he? I wobbled out and found that the kids were also gone. I found a note on the counter from Yoongi. They went to the company. I tried my best to stop crying and to wait for Yoongi to come home. "Yoongi I need you.." I cried even harder. After a few minutes of curling up in a ball on the floor, I grabbed the keys and my shoes.

I arrived at the company and straight for Yoongis studio. "J-jiminie? Hey love wh- Are you crying? Come here." I close the door and make my way to sit on his lap. "Y-yoongi..." "Shh, was it the dream again?" I nodded as I hid my face into his neck. "Im sorry baby..hey I have an idea." Yoongi carried me to the couch and I straddled him. "Lets go on a trip somewhere. Pick anywhere you want." I was taken aback from the offer. "A-and the kids? Yoongi we are parents now." I said sternly. "We can take them to Grandmas. Yours or mines. I want to take you away from here, clear your head."

Honestly, a trip with the love of my life is beyond perfect. "Okay baby..lets do it. But uh can I think of place and get back to you?" I ask as I began to run my fingers through his curly black hair. He nodded and was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. I kissed his forehead and went to check. "Oh my babies!! Thank you Noona for watching them." Now its more perfect, our beautiful family.

--Time Skip--

-Yoongis POV-
Its been a week and our trip is almost finalized. Honestly I feel bad knowing that Jimin is freaking out about the ring and doing his best to hide his fingers from me. But when the moment is right, it will all be worth it. "Yoongi? Hun? Could you take Tae and get him dried and stuff. Im going to go give Minji a bath." I turned and quickly grabbed Taeseok from Jimin and stealing a quick kiss before he ran off to Minji. "Okay buddy lets get you dry and a new diaper. Maybe if your a good boy, Ill give you a snack. Just dont tell Daddy okay?" I pecked his cute little cheeks earning a tiny smile. After getting the kids to sleep me and Jimin had a little movie date. "Yoongi?" "Hm?" I look down at him as he snuggles closer to me. "I love you." I hear him say. "I love you too sweetheart." And not long after that we difted off to sleep.

The next morning I bought the tickets to Japan for us. "Okay Minnie I bought the tickets for us. We leave tonight at 7." I turn to see Jimin cooking breakfast, I guess he didnt hear me. "Babe~" I snaked my arms around his waist and began leaving kissing on the back of his neck. "Mm~Baby stop..you know thats very distracting. Im trying to cook." He whines. "I know baby. You just looked really sexy over here." I kissed him one more time before going and packing the babies things. "Hey my little ones. Are you excited to go stay with your Uncles? Yeah? I know they love seeing you two cuties. Both of you be good okay?" I cooed them, completely unaware of the smiling Jimin watching us from the door.

We finally sat down to eat and Jimin has been going on and on about his and Jungkooks trip to Japan. "Oh and theres this garden in Japan that I want you to see. Ugh its such a beautiful place me and Kookie had so much fun th-" I couldnt help but look bored and uninterested. "Yoongi. Your not listening to me." Jimin said with a pout. "Oh Im sorry, Im just not in the mood to hear all the fun my boyfriend had with another man in a very beautiful romantic place." I said before grabbing our plates and putting them in the sink.

I walked to the room with Jimin close behind me. I was about to go into our bathroom but was pulled back and pushed on to the bed. "J-jimin? What are you doing?" I stutter as Jimin climbs on top of me, straddling my waist. "You know I think you look extremely hot when your jealous." He whispers in my ear and nibbles on my ear a bit. "I dont get jealous Jimin. Im not that type." "You know me and Jungkook only got one hotel room, and boy did it get steamy in there." I shot up. "You are mine Jimin. Only mine. Only I can get steam- Hey. I took your first though?" I said as I realized what he said. "Yup you did Yoongi. Its also super cute when you deny that you are the jealous type." Jimin said before hopping off the bed and running off somewhere. This man will be the death of me. Oh well, better start packing, we leave in 5 hours. He wont see this coming. I thought as I slipped the engagement ring box into my luggage.

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