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-Jimins POV-
After a not so long flight we make it to Osaka. "Jimin, your right it is beautiful here." Yoongi whispered as we drove to the hotel. "I want this trip to be about us obviously, but I want it to be for you Minnie. Help get your mind off of things okay?" Yoongi whispered as he kissed my forehead. The driver finally pulled over and we got out the car. But it wasnt the hotel that Yoongi showed me the other day. It was a house. A beach house. "Baby what is it?" I heard Yoongi say pulling me to the house. "N-nothing."

We finally got all settled in and had an early dinner that Yoongi cooked. I was sitting on our couch planning out our activities to do the next 3 days, I want to take him to so many places. "Hey beautiful, what are you doing?" I turn to see Yoongi standing in the door way. "Come here babe, Im just looking at the different things we could do tomorrow."  Yoongi nodded and cuddled up to me leaving some kisses on my shoulder. "Y-yoongi we should go to this temple tomorrow. O-oh and this hot tub spa place."

-Yoongis POV-
Hot tub? Seriously. "Why a hot tub? Isnt there other sight seeing places you want to go to?" I ask and almost immediately Jimin tossed the papers down and climbed onto my lap. "Oh come on baby. Think about it. You and me in a private hot tub~" He whispered. "Dont you want to me in nothing but a towel around my waist in the steamy waters?" He said as he nibbled my ears. "Ah J-jiminie yes I want that." I said almost in a whisper. "Get your ass up. I want you in the bed." Jimin said in a voice Ive never heard him use. A sense of dominance.

"Jimin what are you doing? Im not a bot-" I said only to be cut off. "Yoongi did you not say this trip was for me? Hm?" I quickly nodded. "Exactly. Please, let me top this time. I want and need to return the favor. Make you feel as good as you make me feel." He says as he leads me to the room, connecting our lips. "Your so hot~" He says as he began trailing kisses down to my neck. Ah it felt so amazing! "Ah J-jimin please.." I whimpered.

"Yes love~what do you want?" He was getting lower and lower. "F-fuck! Ah baby please I want you please.." "Mm I have to prep you-" I sat up connecting our lips into a rough kiss. "No need just fuck me already please." I whispered to him. He nodded and removed both of our pants and boxers. He slowly inserted himself in. "Ah fuck..y-your big baby" I moaned as he began moving in and out. "Y-yes baby! Ah fuck yeah..harder babe please!" He obeyed moving at a faster and harder pace.

After a few more thrust we were both reaching our climax. "W-where do you want Yoongi?" He said as he threw hos head back. "Ah fuck inside me please Jimin please! D-dont stop." I released and soon after he released inside me. "Shit Jimin..You have to top more often now. That was amazing." I said as he collapsed on top of me giggling. "Mm think you can me that much?" He said into my neck. "Round 2?" I groaned.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I then heard the front door open and close, and then Jimin walked in with a red face. "Guess what I had to do early this morning?" He said as he plopped down beside me. "What happened?" He sat up and turned to me. "I was awoken by a worried neighbor and two police officers. Male officers. The neighbor heard loud screams for a long period of time coming from our house. From late last night to about 5 this morning." I couldnt help but laugh at the situation. "Maybe you shouldnt fuck me as hard then." I smirked only to get a slap. "Yah! This is serious. You know what. No sex for a month okay? Dont touch me for a month." Jimin said before stomping out the room. I tried to get up but I fell back down due to the burning in my butt. Aish I guess thats what happens when a beast pounds you for 5 rounds straight.

"Jimin come back and cuddle me!" I whined. Jimin slowly walked back still pouting. "Your lucky I love you." I mumbled before climbing in bring my to his chest. "I love you so much. Im sorry you had to that." I whispered. He pecked my forehead. "I love you too and dont worry babe." And we spent the day like this. Cuddling, just us. But then again, the whole trip mainly consisted of us just cuddling together. Pure happiness is all that I felt with Jimin. I guess the proposal will have to wait.

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