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-Yoongis POV-
Its been a week since I bought Jimin and our twins home. I would often look up techniques on how to raise kids. "Okay Minji are you hungry? They say this taste good." I bought those baby food the lady in the store recommended. Jimin is asleep so Im trying to take care of them without bothering him. "Taeseokie please stop crying. You'll wake Daddy up. Pleas- Oh Minji shh..not you too." Great, both are crying. I set them both down on the floor and quickly shut our room door. Why are they crying? I picked Minji up and put her in her rocking carriage and carried Taeseok in my arms rocking them both.

After awhile they both stopped crying and fell asleep, I tried to set Taeseok down carefully. "Okay, now what. Oh Jimin, lets see if hes up." I peeked in and saw he was awake, just staring at the place where I was sleeping. "Babe? You okay?" I sat next to him rubbing his belly. It was still plump, which I thought was cute. "Yoongi? Oh yeah Im fine. Just thinking." He looked kind of sad. "About what?" I lay him down wrapping my arms and leg around him. "Is this what you really want Yoongi?" He said. Jimins been up and down lately, always second guessing things. Im honestly getting tired of it. Wheres the trust? "How many times do we need to have this conversation Jimin?" I pulled myself away sitting on the edge of the bed.

Jimin shifted closer to me but still allowing distance between us. "Jimin look me in the eye and tell me how you really feel. Do you think Im not in love with you anymore?" "Yoongi I know you love me. Its just.." I stood up and grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on and walked out of the room. "Where are you? Yoongi!?" Jimin shouted. "You know I love you Jimin. But for whatever reason, your brain keeps telling you that I dont want to be here. If you know I love you, then that simple fact should be enough Jimin." I waited to hear what he had to say, but nothing came. "Silence. Nice, well Im done arguing. Im out of here." He flinched but still followed me out grabbing my wrist. "Yoongi please." "Jimin, I want this. Why cant you see that? If you truly believe I dont want this, then Im just going to go. Ill come by later tonight for the kids." I say before I kissed his forehead and walking off to the dorms. "Yoongi! Wait! A-are we um..d-did we break up?" I turned to see Jimin standing there. "No. I think we just need some space to think. I love you Jimin, ok? Call me if you need anything." I slowly pulled him into a kiss before pulling away quickly.

I arrived at the dorm and Hoseok and Taehyung were home. "Hyung? What are you doing here?" Hoseok said as he saw me. "We had a fight. Sort of. I just need some space. So Im going to crash here for the time being." I plopped down next to Taehyung wrapping my arms around him. I felt Hoseok sit on the opposite side of me. "You know what would cheer you up?" Taehyung said, I just hummed in response. "A threesome. Wanna try?" Hoseok said and I could feel his smirk. "If either of you touch me. I will not hesitate to cut both your dicks off. Wouldnt that be sad for Kookie hm?" Both of their eyes widen and cheeks blushing red, I laughed so hard at their reactions.

-Jimins POV-
Im such an idiot. Why cant I just stop feeling this way? If he was unhappy, he would left way before the babies got here. Im so stupid to think he didnt want any of this. I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I thought it was Yoongi but it wasnt..hm an American number? Who do I know there? "H-hello?" I still havent perfected my english yet, but its better now. "Hey is this Jimin? From BTS?" It was a guy, a deep voice. It sounded familiar. "Y-yes. Im Jimin. May I ask who calling me?" "Chim Chim! Its Tony" " Oh Tony! Man its been long time. How are you?" I say almost forgetting my situation.

"Im great! Im actually coming to Korea next week. I thought Id come by and say Hi to the happy family I know in Korea." Happy family? We are far from that right now. "Oh thats great! We would love to see you. And the others would love to see you as well." "Hows Suga? Still treating you like glass?" He joked. "Y-yeah, hey it was nice talking to you but Minji just woke up. Talk later?" I say as I felt the tears starting to fall. "Alright, Ill call you. Bye Chim Chim!" "Bye Tony." I hung up and saw my phone screen. Yoongi.

I was washing the dishes when I heard the door open. "Jimin?" "Shh Yoongi. They are sleeping." I whisper shouted. "Sorry." And thats how it got us to the room. Awkward silence. "So..do you need anything Jimin?" Yoongi said breaking the silence. "Can I get a hug? Please." I pleaded. Yoongi just nodded and walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Im sorry Yoongi." I mumbled against his neck. "I-Im sorry too." Yoongi whispered against my hair. "I should go Jimin." He said pulling away, I managed to grab on to his fimgers holding him in place. "No. Please just stay. Its late." I said blocking the door. "Move Jimin. Dont make this harder." I could tell he was holding back tears. "We dont even have to cuddle or anything. Just please stay." "Fine. Ill sleep on the couch." He said turning to grab a blanket from the room. "Good night Jiminie." I heard Yoongi say as I reached our room door. "Night Yoongi." This is going to be a cold night. I thought as I laid in bed holding back tears. Little did I know, Yoongi was feeling the same way, already crying himself to sleep.

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