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-Yoongis POV-
I hate doing this, but I promised the others I would help them, but I have spent the last week allowing Jimin to wake up and spend hours alone . I pulled my jacket and shoes on and kissed his cheeks a few times before heading out to the company. Today Im helping Jin Hyung with his solo album hes been planning on working on. I was waiting for Jin to come when there was a knock at the door.

I turn to see Jimin with a bag of chips and a backpack. "Hey baby, w-what are you doing here?" I say as I pulled him in for a hug. "Well, I woke up and you were gone. So I figured, if my fiance must leave me. Ill go to him." He says with a pout. "I just miss you thats all. You've been gone alot this week." I couldnt help but feel my heart break just a bit. "Then stay, Ill be here probably the whole day but with you here its going to be great."

-Time Skip-

-Jimins POV-
Another day. 3 weeks, of going to bed alone and waking up to find he isnt here. I know hes working, but I want him here. I look down to see my plump stomach, 7 more months baby. I was making myself some soup when my phone started ringing, I raced to it hoping it was Yoongi. Unknown Caller..I hesitated to answer the call but I did. "Hello? Jimin? Park Jimin?" The voice sounded familiar. "Hello, who is this?" "Oh hey. I dont know if you remember me. Its Junhoe, your cousin." (a/n: Its not meant to be iKons Junhoe..its just the only guy name that came to mind). My step cousin. He tried making a pass at me at the christmas party that me and Yoongi attends years ago. I never told Yoongi about him flirting with me.

"Yes hi. Whats up?" I finally say. "So Im in Seoul for school, but I have no money for an apartment. So I was wondering if you could help me out? Your Mom gave me your number by the way." "Well, I have a spare room in our apartment. But I will have to check with my fiance to see if hes okay with this. Let me call you back alright?" I say back but it was silent for a second. "Oh okay, Ill wait for your call then." I hung up quickly with a big sigh. Is it wrong to say he has a sexy deep voice?

I quickly shrugged that thought off as I called Yoongi. "Hey babe, everything okay?" He says immediately. "Everythings fine baby. I just called to ask you something. You remember my cousin, Junhoe? You met him at that christmas party." "Yeah, why?" He says. "Well hes here in Seoul for school, but he has nowhere to live. Can we lend him the spare room? Would you be okay with that?" "Oh yeah, thats fine with me." "I love you Yoongi. Dont work too hard okay?" I say trying to sound happy. "I will baby, I love you more. And be sure to rest okay?" I hummed a response before hanging up.

After an hour after I hung up with Junhoe, he was here. On the bright side, I wont be alone anymore. "So hows things with Yoongi?" Junhoe asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hes good." Suddenly I felt him grip my hips from behind catching me by surprise. "W-what are you-" "Shh..I can tell your lonely. Hes away alot and you want affection huh?" He says in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I couldmt think straight so I just nodded. I felt him kiss the back of my neck and started to suck on it but I moved so he doesnt leave a hickey. I felt his hand slide under my shirt as he continued to kiss my neck and jawline. "J-Junhoe..Wait. Stop. Stop please." I shouted as I shoved him away. "Im engaged Jun. And Im your cousin, so whatever you think you feel towards me. Stop it. And dont use my lonliness against me. Ever!" I ran to my room and cried.

-Yoongis POV-
I came home late from the studio. The lights were all off so I guess they were asleep. I slipped my jacket and shirt off and slipped on some sweats. I climbed into bed to find that it was empty. I shot back up in panic, where is Jimin? I checked the bathroom. "Jimin!? Jimin Baby where are you?" No response. Where could he be? What happened to him? I was about to call Namjoon when I heard sniffling. "Y-Yoongi..Im here" I hear my sweet boyfriends voice.

I find him curled up in a corner of our living room. "Baby? Baby why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? D-did I hurt you?" I say as I reached out to him. "I-Im a terrible person Yoongi. Im a terrible boyfriend, Im a terrible fiance. I-I dont know whats wrong with me!! I-I c-" Jimin was shouting and crying but I stopped him by smashing my lips against his. "Baby, talk to me. No more blaming yourself, its not making any sense. Tell me and we can work it out." I say as he begins to calm down, but his eyes are still full of fear. "Yoongi..Im sorry I didnt mean to do it. I was j-just. You know what, I wont make an excuse. Theres no reason why I shouldve done it. But still it happened and I stopped it before anything really happened." I grew more confused.

"Tell me it straight Jiminie, I promise Ill listen to all of it." I say assuring him everything would be fine. "M-my step cousin. Um, well okay. At that party we went to he tried to make a move on me..hes always had a thing for me." "I know. I saw, I wanted to punch him for grabbing you like that." I say with a smile. "Well...he did it again. He saw the way that I was. I missed you, and he took advantage of that. I-" I cut him off by walking to the spare room. "W-wait. Yoongi what are you doing?" I hear Jimin say as he grabbed me. "Im going to kill him. I want him out. He touched you Jimin." "I-I didnt stop him. Well I did when I realized what was happening." I hear Jimin say. I can see what was happening, I felt bad. I was the reason behind his actions.

I grabbed his hanf and lead him to our room and closed the door locking it. I turned to him and he looked confused. "Jiminie, I know why you gave in alittle. I wasnt here for you. For our child. 3 weeks I wasnt here for you. I get it. Im supposed to be the person you feel safe with, my arms are suppose to be around you comforting you for these 7 months. You think you are the terrible one. Its me, Im failing you and Im sorry. I-I will be better, I promise you and our child." I cry my eyes out as I tell Jimin what I feel. "Lets go to bed okay. Im going to call the others in the morning. Im staying with my babies for as long as you need me."

We climb into bed and Jimins body, like it was made for me, slides right into my arms. "Yoongi, I love you and only you." He pecks my cheeks. I lean down to connect our lips. "And I love you." I lean down to his stomach and give it a kiss. "I love you as well darling." I pulled Jimin closer and caressed his stomach until I heard his soft snores. Tomorrow needs to be perfect. Ill surprise him, he deserves my full attention.

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