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-Jimins POV-

Its going to be a great week. Me and Yoongi are meeting our wedding coordinator today and we are checking out places today. Tomorrow we are seeing different food options. Im so excited to be married next month to the love of my life. "Min? The coordinator said he will meet us there. You ready?" Yoongi said as he came back into the room. I nodded and followed him out interlocking our fingers together.

We pull into the restaurant where our coordinator Mr. Song was waiting for us. "Min Yoongi? Hi Im Mr. Song." I look over and see a handsome man shaking Yoongis hand. Completely disregarding my presence. "Nice to meet you, this is Park Jimin my fiance." I smile proudly when Yoongi turns the attention to me. I dont like this Song guy already. He only looked at Yoongi, not once greeting me except with a head nod. "Okay, lets order and then we can talk about wedding things." He says quickly while stealing glances at Yoongi.

-Yoongis POV-

Im not an idiot, I can tell Mr. Song was looking at me alot and Jimin was getting upset. So I thought of a way to cheer him up. But I know he will be pouty about it later. While Mr. Song spoke I softly placed my hand on Jimins thigh lightly rubbing it. "Babe~Stop it." I heard Jimin whisper. But I just kept on rubbing it, inching closer to his crotch. His face was a light red color from blushing. "So tell me. How did you guys come to love each other?" He asked and I looked at Jimin and smirked. "I-I well we always had something for each other. But along t-the way it grow until we realized that we uh n-need each other." He was doing so good, he got through it without making it obvious.

Unfortunately it didn't stop mr. Song from constantly flirting with me in front of Jimin. "So Yoongi, what's your inspiration for writing your songs?" He said once Jimin got up to go the bathroom. "Uh real live experiences amd Jimin. Some songs I wrote are actually about him." I said. "I actually rap too. More underground though, because of my day job. We should get together and play around with music." I just nodded as I saw Jimin come back. "Alright should we go and check out a few places today?" Mr. Song said.

Throughout the drive Jimin was quiet and it was slightly annoying that he was feeling left out. "Oh and you would love this little place where all these rappers go t-" I cut Mino, Mr. Songs first name, off. "Sorry, babe what was that place you took me to? With the records hanging from the ceiling. Do you remember that?" I call back to Jimin. "O-oh yeah that was in Japan. I cant remember the name of it though." He said softly. "Mm Japan, we went there a few months ago actually. One of the best trips ever. Huh babe? But we didnt see much of Japan." I said with a smirk.

Glancing back to see Jimins cheeks turn alittle red. "Oh Japan thats exciting. You didnt sight see at all?" Mino said, he didnt sound too interested. Glad to see my plan was working. "Well, I had the most gorgeous guy by my side so I didnt need to see it. Plus we were alittle distracted with each other. Ah, I wish we could do it again. Maybe without the cops showing up next time Jiminie." Mino seemed to catch on to what I meant. "Y-yeah Ill try to quieter too." Jimin joked back.

-Jimins POV-

Finally we were rid of that wanna be homewrecker for the day. "Baby~Come here I want you." Yoongi cooed. "Is it too late to get a new coordinator? He likes you too much." I pouted earning a peck from Yoongi. "You trust me right? No one can beat my Jiminie~" Yoongi said as he pulled me on to the bed. "Its not you I dont trust, its that man. He was touchy too. Only I can touch you like that." I said tracing my fingers along his chest. "Babe, did you catch me trying to shut him down with our Japan trip? And hinting at the amazing sex I experienced. It was to reply to his attempts on asking me indirectly on lame dates." He said with a chuckle.

I know Yoongi loves me, so I dont worry too much. Its just annoying when people hit on him, because he will give some attention to them with some extent because hes nice. I just have to keep an eye out for that slut Mino. "Minnie I love you so much. Nothing and no one can change that." He whispered as I drifted off to sleep feeling happy and content.

Little did I know it will soon change...

A/N: Im sorry it took me so long to update! I just moved to a new state, and I was busy with school stiff and working to find a job! My life just might get alittle hectic but Ill update when I can!!

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