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-Jimins POV-

Two weeks. Its been different lately. Yoongi has been distant this week, maybe hes just stressed out. He stopped giving me kissses in the morning, I miss it. The affection. All we do is argue now. Maybe Ill surprise him at work. I quickly hop in the shower. Once out I find his sweater that he said I looked cute in. I put some makeup on then grabbed the kids to take them to Hoseok for a bit. "Hey Jimin. Ooh someones looking hot today." Hoseok said as I walked into the dorm. "Do you think Yoongi will like it?" I blushed alittle. "Jimin, of course. Hes head over heels for you. Now go and make his day." He said pushing me out the door.

I hope hes right. Yoongi loves me, I know that. I just want us to be the happy couple again. I get to the company and I suddenly feel nervous. In a good way, almost excited. Because well..it was also two weeks without sex so Im hoping this surprise goes down that route. I get to his studio door and I mentally prepare myself.

5 seconds until a heart breaks...

I enter the code and opened the door slowly. 3 seconds. I peeked my head in and froze at the sight. I couldnt believe this. It was Yoongi. Underneath Mino. Having sex. I swung the door loudly causing them to jump. Yoongis eyes widen looking at me. "J-Jimin? Its not what it looks like." He said as pushed Mino away. I walked out tossing the flowers I bought on the way over. "Jimin! Bab-" SLAP. "Dont call me that! Not after what I saw!" Another slap. I was angry. And hurt. "Listen to me. Its not what you think. Im do-" I shoved him. "I HATE YOU!! How c-could you do this to me? Am I not enough?" I shouted.

He stood with tears in his eyes. "How long?" I said. "2 weeks. Please Min-" "Stop it." I said backing away. "If you really loved me. Y-you wouldnt look for someone else. I wait up for you every night. Now I know what you've been doing. While I lay awake waiting for my fiance to come home to me!! To do those things to me! The one that loves you! You changed Min Yoongi. Now I see where I stand with you." I breathed deeply, fidgeting with my ring. "N-no. Please dont do this." He pleaded. "Then you should have thought of me. You should know just how much you've broken me. I thought I was in the wrong these two weeks. Now I see it really was m-me. And I dont want that." I said. "I thought we would grow old together, but I guess it meant nothing to you. I meant nothing to you. Heres the ring. Mino would look great wearing that." I said as I slowly approached.

I grabbed his hand and placed the ring in it. "If it means anything, I just wanted to thank you. For making me feel special for a moment. Goodbye Yoongi." I placed one last kiss on his cheek before running away quickly from him. I went and grabbed the twins and drove home. I packed up all mine and the kids stuff and placed them into the van. As soon as the twins were in the car I did a last run through and saw the pile of paper from the scavenger hunt. Why did it come to this? Was I really lacking that much? I placed the papers on our bed and placed a note with it.

-Yoongis POV-

After Jimin left the building I went back into the studio. Mino was putting his clothes back on. "Same time tomorrow?" He smirked. "You know what. No, you guys got what you wanted. Now please leave me alone." I said backing him up into a wall. "Well now hes defenseless, maybe I can pay him an intimate visit. Or maybe he can." I grabbed his neck shoving him to the wall. "Stay the fuck away from him. That wasnt part of the deal. Now leave me and him alone. Both of you." I said releasing him and tossing him out. How do I explain this to him?

I quickly ran home to attempt to explain myself in any way I could. No matter how messy it came out. I cant lose him. I got to the house and it was quiet inside. I stopped when I noticed the babies toys werent in the living room. "Please no.." I opened the kids door and it was empty. "Tae..Minji baby.." I cried seeing just the picture frame with their picture in it. Jimin. I quickly ran to our room. Maybe hes in here with their stuff. I opened the door and broke down at the sight. His drawers were open and empty. His side of the closet was empty. "M-my baby.." I cried.

I noticed a pile of papers on the bed next to my sweater. I saw a note by my scavenger hunt papers. "Rereading these makes me wonder. When did I go wrong? What did I lack? Why? Well, as you can see I took the kids and left. I wont tell you where. I dont want to see you please respect that. I wish you find the happiness with Mino that I couldnt give you. Take care. -Park Jimin" I cried so hard feeling my own heart break.

He was gone. I lost him. I broke him. But I will find you Jimin. Ill make this right again. Show you just how real it was and still is. I love you. Always have. Ill fight for you. Maybe when you know, you'll see that love. You will be mine again. I never in my life cried harder than I am right now. I cried until I couldnt do ot anymore. I cried until I had no energy left. I never felt so broken.

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