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--Jimins POV--
I woke early being that we were going to the company today. Todays the reveal. "Hey Yoongi, time to get up. Come on sleepyhead." I shook him a bit before he actually woke up. "Morning beautiful. Howd you sleep?" He said in his deep raspy voice. "Amazing, how about you?" I said earning a kiss. "Amazing. How are feeling? Was I too rough last night?" He said with a worried expression. "No, no it was perfect. Thank you for the best night baby. But we have a meeting to get ready for." I say as I quickly stood taking him with me.

I was in the kitchen making my water bottle and Yoongis coffee. "Ready babe?" Yoongi said as he entered the kitchen. "Yoongi, whats going to happen? What if t-" I was caught off by Yoongis lips being pressed against mine. "Remember what I told you when we came out to the manager about us dating?" I thought for a second before I smiled at the memory. "You told me to trust you. That everything will be okay." Yoongi smiled and grabbed my hand leading us out.

We got there and everyone was in the conference room, I felt that at any second my heart will burst. "Okay. Now everyone, we have something that is pretty serious. Um, Im pregnant." I watched as everyones expressions quickly changed. "Uh so, good news. Since Jungkook is leaving for his enlistment in a few weeks. You will be able to have the child without schedule conflict, since we are still on hiatus with the group. Bad news, your going to start showing at some point." The manager said.

We went home that night feeling anxious of what lies ahead of them. "Go lay down, Ill make dinner." I nodded and walked the room. It wasnt long until Yoongi came in with our plates. As we ate I couldnt help but admire the beauty next to me. Im so lucky to being engaged to this cutie. "Do you need something sweetheart?" He says with a smirk. "No no. Im fine." I say as I stood grabbing his plate and taking them to the sink. Soon enough a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I finished washing the dishes while Yoongi was still attached to me, whispering sweet things in my ear. "I love you my Jiminie." "I love you too my Yoongi." He pecked my lips and face a couple of times before pulling me the room and on to the bed. Perfection, the protection of his arms. I have nothing to fear when Im with him.

-No ones POV-
Yoongi and Jimin laid in each others arm as they drifted off to sleep. Both knew the next 8 months will be a rollercoaster of emotions. But with each other, they knew they would be able to get through this. What they didnt expect is that in a few weeks will be the beginning of there problems.

a/n: Sorry its short! It was my birthday today, so Im literally half awake...anyways, I hope this book will be a fun read for you all!!

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