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-Jimins POV-

It was 5 by the time Taemin went to go practice. I had the place to myself since he was staying with Minho tonight. I called Yoongi before bathing the twins. "Hello? Jimin?" I heard him say. "Im bathing the kids and will be putting them to bed. So Ill leave a spare key under the mat. What time will you be over? Maybe you can help me." I said softly playing with Minjis feet. "An hour maybe. And I would love to help Min-I mean Jimin." I felt a pain in my heart hearing his correction. "O-okay, see you later." I said quickly as my voice started to break. I began the kids bath as I silently cried.

After awhile I heard the door open and close. "In here Yoongi." I whisper shouted. We put the twins pretty quickly in pure silence. "So we did you agree so quickly to meet Jimin." I froze thinking back to yesterdays events. I moved to the door blocking it. "W-well, if I show you something promise me you wont go rambo. Okay?" I said cautiously. "Sure." He looked confused. His eyes widen and a shade of pink cheeks when I began to take my shirt off. He walked closer as he noticed the hickies on my chest and stomach. I flinched as he lightly touched a hickey on my upper stomach.

In an instant a punched the closet door swearing. "I guess since you were in the hospital, I was a easy target. Being that you wont be here to stop him." I said lowly. "Mino seduced me. H-him and Tony were targeting us. They threaten to rape you together. B-but I took your place with a promise that you wouldnt be touched. I-I wasnt cheating Jimin. I was trying to protect you. I thought I could save you but as always I-I failed you." Yoongi said as he began crying. "Did it hurt?" I nodded. "H-how many rounds?" He traced his fingers along my chest. "Just two." I cried.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around me. I stopped crying as I realized something, he had way more than me. "Hey Yoongi. What about you? Did they hurt you?" I caressed his cheeks wiping the tears away. He nodded slightly "But I took the pain for you. So do-" I caught him off by connecting our lips. I slowly walked him to the bed I pulled away slowly. "Let me help you how you helped me. Ill make you forget." I said as I lifted his shirt off. "Please do." Yoongi whispered against my lips. I shoved him onto the bed.

I kissed all over as I watched him bite his lips. "This body is mine. Say it." I said as I licked his neck. "It belongs to you." Yoongi groaned. I removed his pants and went straight for his hole leaving kisses. "Is this my hole?" I teased with my fingers. "Ah yes! Please Minnie..Its yours!" I giggled and proceed without teasing him further. Sinful noises filling the room between us. Pure love and desperation. "Fuck...Jimin come here." Yoongi breathed heavily. I climbed up placing a kiss on his lips. "You know as much as we move away from each other. We always come back." I said as Yoongi caressed my cheeks.

The rest of the night consisted of sweet words and promises of love. A love that could never be broken. "Yoongi Im so tired of being Park Jimin." I pouted very randomly. "Whys that Min?" He said. "I want to be Min Jimin. Right now. Lets get married on Saturday!" I said as I begin clapping loudly. "Yah you will wake the kids." Yoongi scolded. I smirked evilly and whispered in his ears. "Says the one screaming and begging for me not too long ago." I said earning a pouting Yoongi. He grabbed my laptop silently.

We began planning our wedding immediately. "So Lisa is begging yo be our flower girl so lets have her do it." Yoongi said. "Hm my ex is apart of our wedding." I laughed. "Best men? Mine is Taehyung!" I said. "Hobi for me. Ill take Jin and you can have Joonie." Yoongi said and then we choose the next 3 guys for our lines. Now for the venue. Which we found easily. "Just request that Minguk guy to not be there." Yoongi snapped quickly. "Babe~He wasnt flirting with me." I laughed at the memory of the poor guy. "He winked as he took your order. And stared at your butt. His ass is getting nowhere near you. And thats final." Defeated I nodded. Our wedding is set, just need to make invitations quickly. We are getting married in 4 days!

-Yoongis POV-

Once Jimin fell asleep, I checked on the twins before heading out quietly. I drove to the police station to report both Tony and Mino. Jimin and I hope they get what they dederve for raping the both of us. I need to protect my family.

A/n: I added that last part because I forgot to put anything about Tony and Mino. So yeah, they are taken care of!

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