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A/N: This chapter is going to reference things from "Serendipity" the first book alot, so if you havent read the first book, read it before reading this chapter. Just so it makes sense(: Also it might be lengthy ;)

*Time Skip*
-Jimins POV-

I was awoken by my phone alarm. 7 AM? Why am I up this early? I noticed an envelope by my phone, it read "Wanna play a game? Open me up(:" What is this? I opened it to find a letter of some sort inside. "Good morning beautiful! Dont worry I did kiss you this morning. And I took the kids to stay with the guys today. You are going to have an eventful day! So leave the kids with the guys. Now heres what I want you to do. Wear something comfortable, but pack a pair of nice clothes (something dressy) You will need it for later! Okay enough of the suspense. Your job is to find me! Easy right? Its a scavenger hunt my love. Now look under my pillow for your first clue when your ready to head out! Please get a water bottle to stay hydrated! Ill see you soon! All my love, Your man;)" The letter said.

This guy never ceases to amaze me. I picked out my outfit for the day and grabbed some clothes for whatevers happening later. I found the note and it just had random quotes on it.

"The couch is small you pabo. We have to cuddle to fit. Now go to sleep."

"I dont know why I want this. I just do."

"Kiss me Hyung. Just once and thats it."

-Where was this?

Oh I see now, I have to go to this where we said this at. Think Jimin. Where did we say any of this? Oh my gosh! His studio! I grabbed my backpack, water bottles and the keys. "Jimin-ah whats going on?" I heard one of the make up stylist ask. "Yoongi is sending me on a scavenger hunt. I have to go sorry." I said before sprinting down to his studio. I get in and see an envelope on the couch. I opened it and it was another letter.

It said: "Good job beautiful, you figured it out! Ah, who knew how special this room would be to me. We shared some great moments here. Do you remember then? Well, how about that time way before we got together. I was here in my studio all day. You came to bring me dinner. I remember that day well. To be honest, that was before I knew I had feelings for you. I enjoyed our talks Jiminie. Remember when we went home and all the beds were taken? And we shared the couch in the studio. You were so awkward with the situation, and the way you reacted when I pulled you to me. I remember feeling warm having you near me. I loved it and I still do baby boy (:

Remember when I brought you here again, after our Christmas trip. The song you wrote. Serendipity, did you think of me when you started writing it? If I remember correctly I did look pretty sexy that day so dont blame you (; Anyways, I think about this day alot. You and me. And the tension that we felt. I think about the kiss we shared. I was scared honestly, when you grabbed my hand. I tried to fight my feelings, to keep myself from loving you. But your stubborn and wanted what I wanted. To feel your lips against mines. It wasnt our first kiss, but it felt amazing. I loved every second of it.

Alright before I get too distracted. Turn my computer screen on for your next clue my love <3." I couldnt help but cry as I remembered these moments. But it meant more to hear how he felt at the time. I wish this is how the rest of the scavenger hunt will be. By the time I see him, all be a complete mess. I quickly gathered my emotions and turned his screen on. More quotes.

"You. Thats why. I have feelings for you."

"I dont care. I dont. Let them hate us. Ill endure it for you. I realized not too long before you left. I love you too Hyung."

"Dont leave me.."

-Do you remember baby?

Oh goodness. The bathroom? Such an idiot, I again gathered my things shutting of the lights. I turn the corner and I bumped into Taehyung. "Oh Hyung! Hows the hunt going?" He knew!? "Uh great actually. But I just started, Im on to my second place. Wheres my kids?" I ask. "In there with Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung. Dont worry, we promised to watch them until tomorrow. Now get going your wasting time." Taehyung says before shoving me down the hallway.

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