20 (END)

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-No Ones POV-

The hall filled quickly with guest, Korean idols everywhere mingling with each other. Everyone has been waiting for this moment and its finally happening! The wedding of the year. Yoongi and his emotional parents were in his dressing room. "Ah heres this pendant we recreated. Its a Min family tradition. Grandma Min give this to me on our wedding day like it was given to her. And n-now I will go and give it to your beautiful groom. Excuse me." Mrs. Min said before excusing herself. Yoongi and his father in comfortable silence.

-Jimins POV-

I was in my dressing room helping Jin Hyung put his new suit on. I switched him and Namjoon. My father is unable to attend this wedding so I asked Jin Hyung to take my Dads place today. "Ah my baby is all grown up and getting married! I remember when you came to Se-" "Hyung~dont embarass me." I pouted at him. We turned after hearing a knock on the door. "Oh Eomma Min. Please come in." I said clearing the couch for her. "Oh my son you look beautiful! Ah my son sure knows how to pick them." She winked. "Im happy he did. I really love him." I smiled as I hugged her.

She pulled out a pearl pendant and handed it to me. "Please allow me to give this Min tradition to you. My Mother in law gave this to me on my wedding day. So its only fit that I present my son in law with it." It was beautiful. I nodded quickly handing it back for her to put it on me. "There we go. Now your ready." She said before kissing my forehead andexcusing herself. "Hey Jimin? Its starting now. They want us to line up." Jongin said poking his head in the door. I nodded and we followed. I saw Lisa in her cream flowery dress. "Oppa! My your beautiful. Yoongi oppa will cry seeing you." She said before running to take her place.

-Yoongis POV-

I was so nervous. The music for Jimins entrance began and I was freaking out. The doors opened and I felt my heart stop. And the world felt like it froze. I couldnt help but cry, the love of my life is about to become my husband. Once he was in reach I quickly reached for kissing him. "Ahem, not yet." The priest scolded causing people to laugh. "Hi beautiful." We whispered to each other. He was stunningly beautiful. I didnt fail to notice how the pearl was nicely placed on his collar.

After announcing our "I dos" I couldnt wait to kiss the new Min Jimin. "You may now kiss." I reached for his waist pulling him to me connecting our lips. "I love you Min Jimin." "And I love you Min Yoongi." We said before exiting the hall. The rest of the night was perfect. We danced the night away. We couldnt be happier then to be married. After the party I drove us to our plane taking us to our honeymoon in Japan.

*1 year later*

Today Jungkook comes home and we are excited to have him meet the twins. "Yoongi? Honey where are you?" I got up to see Jimin in nothing but my sweater. "Morning love." I said as I pulled him in for a hug. He giggled and pulled me into our room. After situating myself he climbed on straddling my legs. "I have something to tell you." He whispered softly. "How do you feel about having another baby?" He said staring down at me. "Do you think you will have twins again?" I asked sounding too excited. Jimin laughed as he placed himself by me. "Honestly I hope not, it hurts. I want a boy this time. Minji needs more protectors." He said proudly.

I pulled him softly to me and traced his stomach lightly. Ah another Min to add to our family. "Minnie, you know we should tell everyone. Starting with the munchkins hiding on the side of the bed." I whispered before moving slowly to the edge. "Rawr! Im going to eat you!" I yelld as I swooped down bring the kids on the bed. "Ah man! Tae the monster caught us again." Minji giggled. I faked pouted and cried causing them to freeze. "U-uh D-Daddy? Oh no daddy! Minji sowwy! No cry please." Minji sniffled. I quickly grabbed her attacking her with kisses. "Appa save us!" They called out to Jimin. Which created a mini war.

A week has past and life seems absolutely perfect! Taehyung proposed to Jungkook. Namjin adopted there second child. And Hobi and Wonho are going strong, no wedding bells yet though. We were all in our living room enjoying our weekly movie night. Jimin was in the doorway after checking on the kids. I walked over and wrapped my arms around. "Are you happy love?" I whispered as we swayed. "I have every reason to be happy. Our family is growing. I couldnt be happier. This is our life now. This is US Min Yoongi. And Im in love with it." He said before connecting our lips.

This is our happily ever after. And I get to spend forever with my beautiful family and proudly say "This is US."

*~*THE END*~*


Thank you so much for all the love and support you all have given not only this book but to Serendipity as well! I have been so lucky lately to recieve this amount of support for these books and I thank you all!!

I really hope you love this ending! Ive been busy so I hope I delivered a good ending to this book!


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