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--Time Skip--*4 months later*

-Jimins Pov-
I cant believe how fast time has gone by. 6 months has finally come around. And the pain hasnt gotten easier. Currently Im sitting in our tub, Yoongi insists on giving me baths every morning after breakfast and before cuddles. "Okay Jiminie baby. Do you want the coconut flavored or the berry bash bath bomb?" He holds up the bath bombs but he keeps gesturing to the berry one. "Hmm ill go with..coconut." I smirk only to see a pouting Yoongi. "Why not the berry one" He whined. "I love it when you smell like berries baby." "Fine berry then. You cry baby." I mumble the last part.

I never get tired of this feeling of having Yoongi here. "Come here~" Yoongi whined as I took my sweet time drying myself and putting my clothes on. "Okay okay. Give me a hand babe?" He pulls me gently onto the bed next to him. I watch as he grabs his headphones, and positions himself between my legs placing his legs under mine. I watched him slowly lift my shirt up, I closed my eyes out of instinct but my eyes shot open when I didnt feel his lips but his headphones. "W-what are you doing Yoongi?" "I saw this online. Parents do it to help make the kid smart by playing classical stuff for them. So I thought I would do it. Is it okay?" He says as he rubs circles on my sides. I nod and close my eyes.

After awhile I woke up to see Yoongi playing a game on his phone while he was rapping some song quietly. I reached and started caressing his cheeks, soon he leaned into my touch. Just then his phone rang and I saw it was Hoseok, the guys have been calling him all day but Yoongi just ignores it. "Baby? Who was it?" "N-no one love. Dont worry." He leans in and pecks my cheeks. "A-are you happy Yoongi.?" I watch him immediately shot up staring at me. "Yes. Im very happy Jiminie. Why do you ask?" I shift as I pull him closer to my again. "B-because Im keeping you from enjoying life. From the studio. And the small th-" I was cut off by Yoongis lips against mines. "Baby, I dont mind. I have you and our little one. I just need this, ok? And for the record. Dont you dare make yourself appear as a burden to me. I love you."

I snuggled closer to him as I started crying. "Your the best thing thats ever happened to me. You and this beautiful child." He whispers as he leaves kisses on my forehead. I pulled back and stared into his eyes. "And I love you. Thats why Im going to ask you to go and do what you love. Ill be okay, Ill probably sleep the whole time your gone." "B-but what if-" Yoongi starts but I cut him off with my arms crossed and pouting. "Just go. I know you want to, I will be okay." I say as I grab his phone and called Hoseok. After a few minutes Hoseok showed up and dragged Yoongi off.

-Yoongis POV-
We get to the studio and I already feel guilty. Plus, Hoseok filled me in on the chaos happening. Namjoon broke a sound system somehow. Jin accidently deleted the files of his music me and him worked on for his solo album. Taehyung keeps having mental breakdowns and no one knows why. And poor Hobi has to deal with all this stress. "Alright Yoongi Hyung is here." Hoseok calls out as we see the guys. "Yoongi-ah! Wheres my baby at?" Jin Hyung says. "Back off. And hes resting at home. The baby is doing good as well." I say as Taehyung attacked me from behind.

After several hours of being here, my mind started to wander to Jimin. My Jimin. I started writing down lyrics of my thoughts of him. I heard my phone vibrating and I smiled when I saw it was Jimin. "Hey baby." Silence, just breathing. "Ji-" "Y-yoongi...please...h-help...p-please.." I hear Jimin say in whisper. I quickly grab my keys and just started running and running until I got home. The front door was slightly open, I walked in to see glass shattered in the living room. Oh no. "JIMIN!?!? Jimin baby. Talk to me please. Get up." I saw Jimin laying on his side in our hallway. "I immediately called the ambulance before crashing at his side. "Im sorry..baby Im sorry..I-I should have been here." I cried out to him, hoping to see the eyes that I love so much.

While at the hospital I sat with him as they finally finished and was letting him rest. I waited for him to wake up. I just hoped that the baby is okay. "Hello? Excuse me, Im his nurse. I got the results. His vitals are all good, he should wake soon. Your both extremely lucky." She says and I smile back at her then turn my gaze to Jimin. "Oh and the babies will be just fine." She says before completely exiting the room. I finally felt so relieved hearing that. "Jimin baby, your going to be okay. And the baby wi-" I suddenly caught what the nurse said. "Babies?"

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