Chapter 11

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Teresa POV

Me and Tom are heading to the cafateria after a amazing night. We get our food and sit down and we see dad and chuck. they come and sit with us and i hug them and start a converstation. 

"So i have something to tell you".

"What is it dad" chuck asks.


"I know what it is dad" i say.

"You do".

"That you and Newt made up and he actually sees you as a dad now".

"How did you know".

"I saw you two on the porch yesterday".

"Oh... well at least that is cleared up" we smile and head back to eating.

Me and Tom are in the forest on a walk just spending sometime together. 

"So how are you, chuck,newt and vince that you havent told me yet".

"Not much just some embaracing stories". He gives me a look.

"I am not telling you so dont give me that look". he gives me the look.

"Well there was one storie of when chuck was younger me and newt were around 6 and we covered chuck in peaunt butter" he burst out laughing.

"And dad walked in and his face was so funny". we both laugh. we talk for a while and it start to rain. 

"Come on we better go".

"No come on lets have some fun it is the first time in a while that i have seen rain".

"What type of fun may i ask".

"melady can i have this dance" he says in a british accent imitating newt. i chuckle. 

"Yes kind sir" we laugh and just enjoy ourselfs. dancing in the rain. we stop and look at eachother. we kiss. 

" We should go now" we laugh and head back to his house. 


Comment if you want more alby and chuck and the rest of the gladers. 

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