After the *death* of almost all the gladers that including newt, chuck, alby and teresa. Thomas slips into depression not being able to come to terms with her death along with all the other gladers. But are the really dead or was it another on...
Today it is just me and teresa time as i already went to try on my suit for the wedding this Sunday i have some time to kill as neither of us have to do anything until Friday when teresa had to go and try on her bridemaids dress. Me and teresa are just walking in the wood with eachother holding hands.
"Tom when are we getting married".
"I dont know when ever you want to get married".
"Its just with Brenda and Frypan getting married this sunday we dont want to get married to soon like we dont want to get married like 2 weeks after them".
"Teresa we have until we die to plan".
"Tom i want kids before i die and i would like to be married before i have kids".
"Yeah that what i wanted" we kiss for a few minutes before we pull away and head back to our walk.
we walk down to the cliff and sit down.
"Teresa can i ask you something".
"Yeah sure".
"Why did you do what you did why did you betray us when we were at the right arm".
"Huh... when we got to the WCKD headquarters ratman and me talked he told me that if i didnt betray you and make you hate me he would kill all of you and make me watch" she starts to cry i hug her and we sit for a while.
"Teresa you know i never hated you i was just angry becuase i loved you".
"I know i... tried to kill myself when i was at WCKD because i kept think of chuck and Alby and then rest of the gladers *death* and i couldnt liv with myself".
"Teresa just promise me you wont do that again because if you die i die".
"I promise" we sit there and kiss eachother relising how much we have been through.