After the *death* of almost all the gladers that including newt, chuck, alby and teresa. Thomas slips into depression not being able to come to terms with her death along with all the other gladers. But are the really dead or was it another on...
Today me and brenda are sorting out what brenda is doing for her wedding. Me and decided to put off the wedding for another few months just with everything happening we are just going to wait a while. me and brenda are heading out to pick out some of the dresses that Sonya has made. She had a very good hand with making clothes so she has made brenda a dress.
We walk into the builidng. It has alot of clothes in it it was huge. Im suprised that anyone could find themself in here.
"Sonya" i call.
"Over here " she calls".
"Sonya can you come and find us this place is like the maze". we hear her walking and then she appears.
"Seriously you need to make a map for this place, Son". we laugh.
"Ok come with me teresa go sit on the couch and brenda come with me i have done the perfect dress for you" we follow her is sit on this nice couch and brenda and sonya go into another room. i take out my phone as we all had one. and i start to text Thomas.
Thomas= BoldTeresa= italics
Hey Sonyas warehouse is huge you boys are going to have to have a map for tommorow it is like the maze minus the death and the grieves
Well thanks for the heads up and at least we will kinda know around the place for when it comes to our wedding
Yeah it should be soon because brenda and frypan have got this wedding planned in under a week and the wedding is this sunday
Yeah but at least we get to go one honeymoon they have to stay in paridise because of brenda being preganet
Yeah well they should be out any minute to show me the dress so i will see you later
ok love you
love you too
i finish texting tom and then brenda come out in the most beautiful dress ever.
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it was really simple and no bling. which is what brenda loves.
"You look lovely brenda".
"I do dont i... i am exsited for when it come to your wedding".
"Yeah teresa is it alright that i started designing your dress"".
"Sonya that is fine i just want plain and simple"
"Ok brenda we need to change you out of the dress dont want to destroy it before sunday".
"Well i have to go so i will see you later".
"What were are you going".
"I have got to go to the medjacks to help out with the kids".