Chapter 2

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Thomas POV

i am sitting on the cliff thinking about things when Minho comes and sits with me. i just stare out at the sea not talking. 

"When was the last time you ate".

"Don't know don't care".

"Thomas you should care you have been dehydrating yourself and you are starving yourself to death Thomas and i don't think anyone in paradise can loose another person."

"Its my fault that most people from the glade are dead because of me".

"Thomas most of those people died so you can live".

"Yeah but i could have prevented them, with Alby i should have held on longer so you guys could help, with chuck i should have got shot not him. with newt i should just restrained him and then find a cure. and with Teresa... i should have pulled her up when i had the chance instead of stare into her eyes so she knew how much i love her. and now Minho they are all dead because of me and i have to carry the burden for the rest of my life and i cant do that".

there was a long silence that filled the air.

"Just eat and drink something and if i find out you have no by the end of the day then i am going to have to force you cant just keep doing this to yourself".

"Well i am. i cant keep food down because i cant get their deaths out of my mind".

"Meet me in the medjacks later i have to go meet harriet".

"For a date".

"It's not a date. We are just friends".

"Keep telling yourself that".

He chuckles and then leaves. The thought of Minho and Harriet together is the funniest thing ever like they wont admit the have feeling for each other but the do. and he just need to. Never would have thought minho would like someone. actually love someone who was not himself. i do get little bits of happiness but it is not for long because i am stuck with their deaths forever. 


i wont post chapters everyday it just so happened that i had the inspiration and the time to write another chapter. contest enterys are still open so please send them in i don't have any yet so please go and make one for me and then if you win you get our cover picked and you get a shout out from me so please go and enter. 


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