Chapter 23

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Thomas POV

Today is the day of Brenda and Frypans wedding. Yesterday we were putting up decorations in the hall were we are having the reception. We were spending ages putting up the flowers and the lights. Me and the boys are getting ready and luckly the maid of honour and the best man get to talk and make sure verything is in order before the wedding so that means i get to see Teresa.

Teresa POV

me and the girls are getting ready. Me and the girls have our makeup on. even though we did not put much on. And have our hair done. i did the make up and Sonya did the hair. Brenda looks beautiful. 

Brendas Hair and Dress

Brendas Hair and Dress

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Teresa, Sonya and Harriets dress and hair

Teresa, Sonya and Harriets dress and hair

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"Ok brenda you look gorgeous. Ok girls head down i have to meet the best man make sure everything is running smoothly and i will see you down there".

I head out the door and head down to the lake were thomas and me are meeting. i head down there and see tom. 

"Tom" i call .

"Hey you look beautiful everything in place".

"Yes everything is fine" he smiles and kisses me. it gets a little heated and he pushes me against a tree.

"Tom we can do this now we have to get to the wedding" i say inbetween moans. 

"Yeah you right . How about we continue tonight". 

"Im down for that" i kiss him quickly.

"Is there anything on my dress".

"No there isnt. And your hair is fine before you ask".

"Thanks well i will see you in a few minutes and make up a excuse so you can leave early so we can finish what we started".

"I wouldnt miss it. i'll just say im tired even though harriet will know who care. well i best be off see you in a few".

"love you".

"Love you too". i walk off to the girls. 

" Teresa everything in check".

"Yes everything is fine".


"Are yoou nervous".

"You have no idea".

"Dont be nervous it is not good for the baby".

"Ok... how many people are there out there".

"It is just 10 of us and that is it ok. Vince, Chuck, alby, me, Thomas, Sonya, Harriet, Minho, Newt and frypan ok it is not that many people".

"Ok im ready

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