Chapter 7

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Thomas POV

 We are heading to the cafeteria. We get some food and sit down. 

"So what have i missed".

"Oh that we made loads of houses and have a good food supple".

"No i mean how were you".

"umm... i tried to kill myself and minho had to put a feeding tube into me so that i could eat".



"Promise me you wont do that again".

"I promise". then we have a lovely kiss.

"Hey suck faces" frypan and brenda say sitting next to us.

"You guys cant say much i see you to kissing all the time".

"You need to fill me so you two together".

"Yeah we are" they say holding hands. 

"Woah frypan and Brenda never saw that coming". we all laugh.

"Hey have any of you seen newt".

"Last time is saw him as with Sonya and they were making out".

"Probarbly having sex all he was worried about when we woke up was Sonya". we all laugh.

"Hey" we see chuck and alby. they come and sit next to us.

"Were is newt".

"He is with Sonya" Teresa says giving Alby a look. 

"Woah them to work fast" we all burst out laughing. i see Vince walking in 

"I'll be back in a minute" i give Teresa a quick kiss and head over to Vince. 



"So when are you going to tell them".

"Tomorrow let them get settled first". i nod.

"So were is Newt".

"Having sex with Sonya". Vince chocks on his drink.

"Woah kids these day work fast" i laugh. 

"I'll see you later" i say and walk back to the table.i put my hand around Teresa and we all laugh and enjoy our self.



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