After the *death* of almost all the gladers that including newt, chuck, alby and teresa. Thomas slips into depression not being able to come to terms with her death along with all the other gladers. But are the really dead or was it another on...
Today is the day me and Tom are getting MARRIED. I am so exsited. me and the girls are getting ready. i am so exsited i am married and just relise how much we have been through. from the glade to loosing over half of the gladers to loosing chuck after we escaped. then going to the scorch relising that they were WCKD to escaping. then meeting Jorge and Brenda to meeting the right arm to then me forced to betray thomas and the gang to me finding the cure to then kiss tom on the roof to then minutes later being *crushed* by a celing to then be back with Thomas in his arms and now here safe with him. I love him and i want to be with him. we may have a fight now and then but we will always be together no matter what.
The girls are doing my hair and putting on my dress.
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My hair is simple because Tom would say that i dont need to do to much.
"Teresa are you ready".
"More than anything".
Girls bridemaid hair and dress
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"You guys look good".
"Thanks teresa but you were the one who picked the dresses and did the hair".
"Ok girls we have to go".
"Ok teresa come on" we walk to the beach as that is where the wedding is held becuase this is where me and Tom love to go.
The music goes and i walk down the isle seeing tom. me and him are one and we will always be. Dad hands me over to Tom and we stand waiting to get us married.
(Skip to the end)
"Ok i know pronouce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" me and Tom kiss and everyone claps we smile and head down the isle and head down to the cave where we decided to hold it. It was beautiful. There we flowers and lights.
After a few hours of dancing and eating and enjoying ourselfs me and Tom head back to our house and change into some casual clothes and go to the docks. I see dad and everyone we see a boat.
"There is a small island about a hours boat ride away there is a house there so you can go there on the honeymoon".
me and Tom smile me and Tom hug him and get into the boat. And we head off to the island.