After the *death* of almost all the gladers that including newt, chuck, alby and teresa. Thomas slips into depression not being able to come to terms with her death along with all the other gladers. But are the really dead or was it another on...
I am sitting at home waiting for frypan to get home. i have a pregancy test into a box and i am going to give it to him. i hear the door open.
"Brenda im home".
"Im in here babe".
"Hey" he look at me like he know something is up.
"Hey you ok you look nervous".
"Here " i give him the box.
"Open it". he opens it he looks a little shocked.
"What is this".
"Read what it says" he reads it for a second.
"Your preganet".
"Yeah i am" he smiles and lifts me up.
"I love you".
"I love you too but i thought you want to get married before we had a kid".
"I did but know that you are preganet i dont care about that all i care about you and the baby".
"I love you fry".
"I love you too and that why..." he get down on one knee.
"Thats why i want you to be my wife... brenda will you marry me".
"Yes" i jump into his arms.
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Frpans POV
Me and brenda invited everyone over to tell them that we are engaged and expecting a baby.brenda told be that teresa already knows. ut she does not know about the us being engaged. everyone is here and we are sitting and drinking wine.
"Tommy i cant belive you had the guts to ask teresa to marry you".
"Hey she is the love of my life so of corse i am going to ask her to marry me" we laugh and teresa blushes.
"So brenda i have relised you have not had one glass of wine this entire evening come have a glass" minho says.