After the *death* of almost all the gladers that including newt, chuck, alby and teresa. Thomas slips into depression not being able to come to terms with her death along with all the other gladers. But are the really dead or was it another on...
I am now 9 months pregnant and I am going to be having this baby any day now. I have not been allowed to work and Tom has taken some time off of meeting so that we can spend time together before our baby is here.
it is late at night. Me and Tom are in bed sleeping I wake up to a sharp pain. I ignore it and then I come again 3 minutes later. then 3 minutes later it happens again. and then I realise that I am in labour.
"Tom Tom Tom... wake up the baby's coming" he is fully awake and gets out and comes and sits with me.
"I'll call Alby or someone" I nod.
Tom calls Alby to tell him to get the medjacks over here. He also called dad, Chuck and Newt and told them to tell the others. The medjacks finally come and they kick everyone out and now I have to have this baby.
Thomas POV
it has been a few hours since Teresa went into labour. everyone is here. Vince, Newt, Chuck, Alby, Minho, Harriet, Sonya, Brenda and Frypan with their baby girl that they had a few months ago which they called Rosile. we are sitting there for hours and finally, we hear a cry. We all smile. Zart comes out.
"Come in Thomas" i stand up and walk into the room. Zart and the other medjacks leave and I go and sit with Teresa.
"Hey... meet your daughter" I smile and look at her.
"She's beautiful just like her mom" I smile at Teresa and kiss her. We have a perfect life.
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The end
Ok, it is now finished I am so happy to make sure if you loved this book to maybe give me a shout out but if you don't want to you don't have to but thank you. I may make a sequel but you may know that I really want to start other Thomesa Fanfics so thank you and bye