Chapter 3 ~ First experiences

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Olive drags me into the party.

The place is filled with dancing bodies.

I have to admit that I´m a little bit confused here. There are too many people…

I can see lots of guys and girls who are smoking, drinking, dancing, kissing, laughing, screaming…

I never imagined myself in this kind of situation…

“Demi! What the fuck? Why are you always thinking instead of enjoying?” Jade asks me suddenly, making me leave my thoughts.

“Um… I…”

“Whatever, let´s dance, girl!” She squeals, taking both of my hands to drag me towards the dancing floor.

I take a deep breath as I try to focus on the music.

Olive joins us very quickly, dancing along to the music. Jade moves her body too and gives me a look that makes me know I should dance too, so I just do that.

When the song ends, Olive and Jade walk towards a group of people that had just entered the club. I follow my two new friends.

“Guys, this is Demi. She´s new.” Olive says.

There are two boys and one girl. One of the boys is Justin and the other one… I don´t know who he is.

“Hey.” Justin winks at me once again.

Justin is handsome. His hair is almost blonde and he has brown eyes. He is also pretty tall. I don´t know why but something tells me I should not trust him.

The other guy isn´t that tall. He is very thin and he has pale skin. His hair is very black and he has deep green eyes.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Bryan.” He says, showing a little smile. I smile back.

“Nice to meet you, too.” I reply.

“Hey, I´m Rebecca.” The girl introduces herself to me. I smile at her, but she doesn´t smile back.

“Hey.” I shyly say back.

Fuck, I can´t be shy….

Rebecca is so gorgeous. Her hair is black and very long and wavy. Her eyes are big and seem to be grey… Which is really cool.

Before I know it, Justin takes Olive´s hand in his, and they start dancing. Rebecca walks away with Bryan and, once again, I´m left behind with Jade.

“Great, we´re left alone again.” Jade lets out an ironic laugh and I notice how she rolls her eyes.

“I… I´m sorry…” I apologize. She laughs again as if I had just told her a very funny joke.

“Don´t be sorry, girl. It´s not your damn fault. I´m used to this. I am always left behind” She speaks.

I let out a sigh.

“But I don´t care anymore…” She sighs too. “I can have fun alone. I have other friends. Olive can be a bitch and so can Rebecca.”

She starts walking and I just follow her.

When we´re out of the club, she sits down on the stairs that are just in front of the place. I sit next to her, not really sure about what is happening around me…

“What about the guys?” I ask.

“They´re cool guys for sure… Justin is an asshole though…”

Yeah, I kinda noticed that, I tell myself.

“Bryan is shy… But he can be a sex bomb.” Jade giggles.

“How do you…” I am about to ask her how she knows that but then I understand it.

“Ohhh!” I exclaim. Jade laughs.

“Yeah” She winks at me as her fingers fish a cigarette out of her bag.

“I fucked him… Like two months ago or something like that… Before he started dating that bitch Rebecca.”

Jade lights up her cigarette and starts smoking. I just look at the ground until her voice calls me.

“Do you want one?” She asks, handing me a cigarette.

“Um… N… No” I say, swallowing.

“Come on! Why not?”

“I… I….” I don´t know what to say…

“Don´t be shy, baby. Here you are” Jade puts the cigarette in my mouth and lights it up.

I have no idea how this shit works so I just mimic what the girl beside me is doing.

The smoke exits my mouth, wandering free through the air after that.

Mmm, I think I´m starting to like this….

And we just stay there, smoking, for what it feels like half an hour.

“Girls? What are you doing here?” Olive asks, getting out of the club. By her side is Justin.

She starts laughing when Jade raises one eyebrow at her.

“What?” Olive keeps laughing.

“You did not fucking do that…” Jade starts talking, slowly getting up and walking up to her friend Olive.

“I didn´t” Olive laughs again…

It seems like she´s high on drugs.

“You fucking did, bitch!” Jade´s hand meets Olive´s cheek, slapping her.

“Okay, okay, I did… Sorry…”

“Why didn´t you wait for us?” Jade seems very furious.

I am confused right now…

“She couldn´t… Plus, you two weren´t inside so…” Justin talks causing Jade to give him a death glare.

“I´m so fucking done!” Jade yells.

“Sorry!” Olive apologizes even though she´s still laughing.

“Is there something left?” Jade wants to know. Justin shakes his head and Olive laughs again.

“Bitch…” Jade murmurs.

“I´ll invite you both to drink something.” Olive says. Jade rolls her eyes.

“Alright. Come on, Demi.”

We enter the club again and before I know it, Jade puts a glass in my hands.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Who cares? Just drink it” She replies, as she starts drinking hers.

I sigh and just do what she told me.

This drink tastes amazing! And it makes me feel so happy!

And after the fifth or sixth drink, everything becomes blurry. I also feel very dizzy and my legs become weak.

“Demi? You alright?” Jade´s voice asks me.

I nod my head. “Yeah! Let´s dance!” I start dancing crazily.

“Olive, that´s enough. Let´s go home.” Jade tells Olive.

“No! I wanna stay!” I squeal.

“Okay, let´s go home. You girls wanna stay at my place?” Olive asks. “My parents aren´t home.” She adds.

“Okay.” Jade replies.

“Yeah!” I say.

Justin is not around anymore. I guess he has left already.

We enter a taxi that drives us to Olive´s house…

I can´t really see what the house looks like. I am too dizzy, even though everything seems fun to me right now. I love this feeling!

I wanna sing! Dance! Party! Jump! Life is perfect!

Edited by @lovaticbeast

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