Chapter 6 ~ I hate him

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I leave my house and start walking towards the park. I told mom I was going to the library to do some homework because, if I tell her that I´m going to hang out with Olive and Jade, she will probably freak out. She doesn´t like the idea of me being friends with this kind of girls.

Dad was not at home since he already found a new job so I didn´t need to tell him anything.

While thinking about all of this, I reach the park.

It is not huge but it´s neither tiny.

Weirdly enough, there is not any kid playing.

There is a lot of green grass and it smells like freedom. Funny, right?

I used to love parks like this one when I was much younger. I loved playing around with the friends I had.

I never had a bunch of friends. Just two or three. This was because of my shyness. And those friends I had turned into bullies. Believe it or not, one of them was Tamara…

I shake my head, making myself stop thinking about these past things.

I look in front of me and they catch my eye.

Olive, Jade and a guy that seems to be Justin are laying on the grass. They are laughing and talking loudly.

I take a deep breath before walking up to them.

“Hey” I shyly say.

Fuck, I really need to stop being so shy.

“Hey, Dem!” The girls say at the same time.

Justin stares at me for what it feels like ten seconds and then finally greets me.

“Hey there”

I give him a tiny smile but he turns his face away from me.

Well… Yeah, this guy is definitely weird. I don´t know why he´s like this with me but I don´t like him at all.

I sit down next to Jade.

“Where´s he?” I ask her in whispers. She giggles.

“You never know when a guy like him is going to come. He´s a different one, you know?”

I nod my head and, when I look in front of me again, I realize that Justin and Olive are kissing once again.

They´re truly obsessed with each other.

I look at Jade who rolls her eyes probably tired of them kissing non stop all the time.

“It´s getting tiring, huh?” She asks me, laughing a little bit. I give her a nod.

“Yeah, kinda” I reply.

“Well, it´s been like this for two months already…” She puts a lock of her hair behind her ear while letting out a sigh. “Oh, look at that. Here comes the man” Jade announces while pulling a smile on her face.

“Hello” A male´s voice makes me turn my head to look at him.

Yes, he definitely is the most handsome person I´ve ever seen in my entire life.

“H-Hi” I stutter and immediately hate myself for that.

He smirks softly and hits Justin´s head with his hand.

“Dude!” Justin complains while Wilmer´s sister gives him a death glare.

“You´re so annoying, I swear” She says and gets up just like her boyfriend does. Olive takes Justin´s hand in hers and walks away with him.

Wilmer lets out a huge laughter and sits down in between Jade and me.

“Have fun!” He yells at them. Olive turns her face around without stopping walking and gives him another death glare.

Wilmer laughs again and pretends to be wiping away some tears of joy.

I look at him. He is so perfect. So hot… So handsome…

Oh, boy…

“Hey, what was your name again?” He looks at me and my cheeks immediately turn into a pink color.

“De-De-Demi…” I manage to reply.

“Oh, how are you doing, De-De-Demi?” He laughs out loud, making me blush even harder and look at the ground, clearly embarrassed.

“Leave her alone, Wilmer” Jade says, catching his attention. He looks at her and presses his lips against hers, kissing her.

When that happens, I can literally feel myself drowning in a sadness river.

What the hell is wrong with me? Please, I cannot fall in love with this kind of guy. He´s not right for me. Please, not.

I play with the grass in an attempt to distract myself which is not really working.

My eyes automatically look at the couple next to me. His hands are touching her breasts which makes me gasp.

She pulls away from him.

“Wanna go to my place?” She asks him, being completely shameless.

“Of course, babe” He replies and they both get up.

“Bye, Demi” Jade says and blows a kiss at me. Wilmer laughs.

“Bye” He says.

“Bye, guys, have fun” I tell them, trying my voice not to sound broken or something.

When they start walking away, two tears roll out of both my eyes and travel down my face.

No… This can´t be happening. Why am I crying? Fuck.

I cover my face with my hands and let out some sobs before wiping the tears away and take deep breaths, trying to stay strong.

I slowly get up and make my legs bring me to my house.

I hope mom doesn’t want to talk to me.

I enter the house and run upstairs, wanting to avoid her.

“Demi? Is that you, sweetie?” Her voice comes to me from the kitchen when I´m halfway the stairs.

“Yes, mom!” I say before walking up the rest of the stairs and locking myself in my bedroom.

What I want to do is sit down on my bed and cry but once my body is on the bed, nothing comes out of me. Not a single tear.

I guess this is good. At the end of the day, I don´t care about that Wilmer guy. He can go and fuck himself. I hate him. He´s a womanizer.

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