Chapter 33 ~ Miracle

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Demi´s POV:

Wilmer´s arms wrapped around my naked body just feels right to me. I could stay like this forever. I never expected to lose my virginity in a car and I never thought it could get to be this good.

“I love you, Dem” He whispers in my ear, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I love you too” I smirk at him before giving his lips a quick peck.

We stay there, enjoying each other´s embrace until I start to think about my mother.

“We should go to the hospital and check on your mom” Wilmer says as if reading my mind.

I take a deep breath before pulling up a smile and nodding my head.

“Yeah” I sigh. “We should do that”

We start to dress and then go back to the front seats of the car. He starts it up and drive us towards the hospital.

Once we are there, Olive and Tom hug me tight.

“Oh Gosh, Dem we were so worried about you” Olive says. Tom nods his head, agreeing with my best friend.

“Sorry guys, I won´t do it again” I say, feeling how Wilmer´s arm gets wrapped around my shoulders.

Olive stares at me for a few seconds and then looks at Wilmer.

“Oh Jesus…” She mumbles and looks at Tom.

“What?” Tom is confused just like I am and Wilmer is probably too.

“They had sex!” Olive exclaims, getting everyone´s attention for a few seconds.

“Shh. Shut up!” Wilmer hushes her. Olive giggles.

“So it´s true” She adds. Wilmer looks at me. I smile.

“Yes, it´s true” I say. Tom and Olive smile and then my dad comes up to us.

He is smiling.

“Demi, thank God you are here. You´re mother has woken up and she wants to see you” He tells me, making me let out a little squeal and hug him quickly before rushing towards my mom´s hospital room.

“Mom!” I run up to her and carefully hug her. “Hey, baby” She says. Her voice is a little bit hoarse but I guess that´s normal.

“Oh my God mom I was so worried… I love you” I say as a few tears get to meet my cheeks. “Baby, I love you too” She says, overwhelmed by my emotions.

“The doctors say she can go home very soon. It´s a miracle” Dad says, entering the room to join us.

I can´t stop smiling right now. Everything´s so good… What could happen to ruin this moment?

I sent dad to go home to rest. I´m staying here tonight with my mom. Tomorrow she´ll be able to go home.

Wilmer is a sweetheart and decided to stay with us even though I wanted him to go home also. Olive and Tom were really tired so they left. Well… Tom had to drag Olive away since she wanted to stay…

“Thanks for staying” I thank Wilmer as he hands me a cup of coffee. My mom smiles at us.

“Anything for you” He replies, sitting down next to me.

“So… Is this your boyfriend?” Mom asks.

“Um…” I look at Wilmer. “Not officially” He answers my mother´s question.

“Demi…” He takes my hand in his and looks into my eyes. “I love you so much… I´ve never felt like this before… So… Would you like to be my girlfriend? Please”

I giggle.

“Of course, silly. I love you too” I saya dn peck his lips.

“You seem a nice guy” Mom says. “Thanks. My name is Wilmer, by the way”

Mom gives him a smile.

“I´m Dianna”


“Here you are. You feeling cozy?” I ask my mother after placing her on the couch with Dad´s help.

Wilmer, Tom and Olive are here too and I truly appreciate them being here.

“Yes, honey, thank you” Mom replies.

Olive gets a call so she excuses herself and goes outside.

We continue talking inside.

Mom is feeling great and I can´t believe this but the accident only bring us closer. I feel like mom and dad realized that they truly love each other. Dad realized he cannot live without her.

I smile, happy while Wilmer wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

Dad and mom are both happy with Wilmer and that makes me double happy.

“Demi!” Olive screams my name, making me turn around. She´s standing there in the hallway. Her mouth is covered by her mouth as sobs escape her mouth.

I rush towards there. I guess she´s going to tell me what´s going to ruin this moment…

“Olive, what happened?”

Tom and Wilmer are quickly by our side. Olive is not able to talk. She´s too in shock.

“Jade… She´s in the hospital… She just died… An overdose” She speaks in between sobs.

“Oh my Gosh” I quickly get into Wilmer´s embrace, not really knowing how to react. Tom hugs a crying Olive.

The four of us immediately rushed to the hospital where a broken Dave cried his eyes out.

“My son, my son has died” He kept crying. I went to hug him. “I fucking told her to not to take in those damn drugs”

Poor Dave…

Her parents were also there and looked devastated. Tom, Olive and Wilmer were talking to them.

“Dave, I know it sucks. I´m so sorry about that” I say, pulling away from him.

He wipes his tears away.

“I should´ve taken care of her… Of my future son”

“No, Dave, do not blame this on you… Look, maybe this was just not meant to happen… Maybe you are not ready to be a father”

“Right… I think I´ll leave the town… I want to go to the University and forget about everything”

“That´s it, Dave. That´s it” He gives me one last smile and then walks away.

“Are you feeling alright?” A voice behind me asks and two strong arms get wrapped around me.

“I don´t know… She was my friend and stuff… I´ll miss her…” I turn around and he places a kiss on my forehead. I hug him tight and he hugs me back. I cry a little bit into his chest.

She was so young… And pregnant…

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