Chapter 27 ~ Roses

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Demi´s POV:

After calling Dave several times, he ended up agreeing on seeing me this afternoon at a cafeteria.

And that´s where I´m heading right now.

“Dave!” I exclaim when my eyes find him in the corner of the cafeteria. He´s already drinking hot coffee. I sit down by his side and he doesn´t seem really happy to see me.

“Okay, you might hate me right now but Jade is my friend and I don´t want her to fight for her child alone, okay?”

Dave lets out a laugh.

“Hey, why are you laughing?” I ask, clearly confused.

“She´s a bitch, Demi. She´s not your friend” He tells me, looking straight into my eyes,

“Wait… What do you mean?”

A breath is taken by this british guy.

“She talks shit about you, Demi. She´s fake…” He leans back on his chair and takes a sip of his coffee. “She has cheated on me several time” He sighs and focuses his gaze on the table.

I´m shocked right now.

“Look, I´m sorry about that but it´s true. She just goes to you when she needs someone… When everyone is too busy for her… You´re not her first choice, you know?”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm down after this shocking news.

“Okay, Dave, but that´s not the point right now. She´s pregnant…” I see how he rolls his eyes. “She´s pregnant with your God damn child, Dave!” I almost yell at him, clearly upset.

“I fucking know!” He snorts, rubbing his forehead with his index finger and his thumb.

“I´m just so scared” He ends up mumbling after a silence of almost five minutes.

In those five minutes, I ordered my own cup of coffee.

“That´s normal, Dave” I gently place my hand on his. “But Jade is going to need you… Your child is going to need you” I calmly say.

“You´re… You´re right, Demi… We both know that Jade is not going to be a good mother… My child needs me” He says and wipes a few tears of nervousness away.

“That´s it”

Soon, they bring me my coffee and we stay there like half an hour.

“Dave, you should go see Jade” I tell him once we exit the café.  

“Come with me?”

“Okay” I smile at him.

This guy is really nice when you get to know him…

We start walking towards Jade´s house but, all of a sudden, he stops in the middle of the road.

“Hey, what´s wrong?”

Instead of replying, he breaks down into tears.

All I can do right now is hug him and gently pat his back.

“Shh, Dave, don´t cry! It´ll go alright!” I tell him, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

The truth is that I´m not really sure of what is about to happen.

“I´m just so nervous and scared, Demi” He cries into my shoulder and I think this is the first time a guy is crying like this in my arms.

It´s kind of funny.

“Dave” I make him look into my eyes. “Don´t be scared. Be a man. Let´s do this, okay?”

He wipes his tears away and walks towards the house.

“You´re so right” He mumbles and then he presses his finger on the door-bell.

“Well done, Dave” I say, giving him a quick smile before the door flows open.

Jade is there, wearing her pajamas and she is smoking.

“Dave…” She mumbles. Dave immediately takes away her cigarette, throws it on the floor and steps on it.

“Don´t smoke while having my child in you!” He almost yells.

“Shh” Jade seems to be angry and, before we can notice it, her parents are behind her back, looking at Dave and me with asking eyes.

“Jade, Dave… I think this is the right moment to tell them” I mumble, introducing my hands in my pockets. “And I should go…”

“No, Demi, please stay” Dave begs. “No, Demi, go” Jade adds.

I give Dave one apologetic smile and then leave them behind.

They need their privacy to talk.

A phone call distracts me from my thoughts.

“Hello?” I answer without even looking at the ID. I always forget to do that… Almost always.

“Demi, it´s me, Wilmer” his voice makes me want to melt.

“Hey” I happily reply.

“Dem, princess, I´m waiting for you at the park. Come here” And then he ends the phone call.

I walk towards there slightly confused.

“I´m here, what´s up?” I ask once I´m in front of me.

“Shh” He hushes me and suddenly, there are a lot of roses in front of me.

A squeal escapes my lips as I grab the roses.

“Ahh, baby, this is so, so, so cute!” I squeal, excited. Quickly, I wrap my arms around him and kiss his lips several times.

“I love you, babe” He whispers against my lips before kissing me passionately. Then he pulls away. “I gotta work. I´ve got a new job” He says then, turns around and leaves me alone with the most beautiful roses.

I walk towards my house and put the flowers in a vase in my room. Then I call Olive so she comes over and I tell her about the roses.

“Girl, he truly loves you… He has never ever done that for a girl before”

“Woah, now I feel special” I giggle. She giggles too. “You are special, girl” Olive tells me.

I sigh.

“Stop it” I laugh and she laughs too as she starts looking at the roses.

“You know what´s funny?” She asks.


“He asks me for advice. He has never done that before either” Olive giggles. “I guess people change” She shrugs and comes back to sitting next to me on the bed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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