Chapter 8 ~ Helping him

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                                                                                                                                                         “What reason?”

“How am I supposed to tell you if you can´t keep your mouth shut?”

I roll my eyes at him.

“So… As you might know, I´ve been away. I was in L.A doing some stuff and I need your help”

“My help?”

“No, Santa Clause´s help” Wilmer sarcastically says.

“Oh, go and drag HIM into your car then and not me”

“Oh come on, you can´t stop complaining, can you?”

“That´s right.I can´t”

Wilmer rubs his forehead with his index and middle finger, probably trying to calm down. I guess I´m getting on his nerves and, somehow, I like this feeling.

“Okay… Look, I´ll explain everything. I´ve been in L.A to buy some coke and… Well… I know Jade wants some of it…”

I sigh.

“Do you do drugs?”

“Sometimes. But not always. I don´t really like it to be honest but Jade made me go because she´s really addicted to this shit”

“Is Jade your girlfriend?”

“That´s why you´re here. No, she´s not my girlfriend but I have a weird feeling and I think that, if I get near her, she will end up falling for me and I don´t want that, yeah?”

“Oh… Why not?”

“Why the hell do you ask so many questions? Can´t you keep your mouth shut for once?” He shouts as his face turns red in frustration.

Trust me, Wilmer, I´m asking myself that same question. I don´t use to be like this around guys…

“I can´t” I giggle. He snorts.

“I don´t want her to fall for me because I don´t want to hurt her. I´m not a good boyfriend. I don´t know how to be a good boyfriend and if she falls for me, I won´t feel the same way and she will get hurt and, at the end of the day, she´s still my little sister´s friend and my sister will kill me if I break Jade´s heart… So, I want you to give the coke to Jade, she´ll pay you and you´ll come back to me to give me the money, is that clear?”

“And what do I win?”

“Another kiss?” He laughs. “Or wanna have some sex?”

“Fuck you” I hiss and leave the car, slamming the car´s door behind me really hard.

He is so rude…

I almost run into my house as the feeling of him following me increases.

“Demi? Where were you?” Mom asks as soon as I´m in the house. “I had forgotten something at school so I had to go back” I lie and mentally praise myself for thinking about a lie that quickly.

“Alright, honey, come eat something” She says and I sit down next to dad.

“Hey, dad” I say. “Hello, Demi” He replies without even looking at me.



I put my headphones on while I start walking towards the groceries shop.

Mom is a little bit sick so she asked me if I could do this and, of course, I can since I don´t have anything better to do.

“Stop! You!” A voice behind me screams.

I don´t bother to stop walking.


I act as if I didn´t hear a thing.

“I fucking said ´stop´!” His hand grabs my arm, making me turn around.

Standing in front of me is Olive´s sexy brother, Wilmer.

“Oh, hey idiot. I had my headphones on” I tell him, giving him a fake smile while taking off my headphones.

“You could´ve heard me. And don´t you dear to call me idiot”

“What if I think that you´re an idiot? I can say whatever I think”

“Why do you have to be like this?” He asks.

“I don´t know. It´s my nature. Deal with it” I tell him, causing him to roll his eyes at me.

There is definitely something wrong with this. I´ve never been able to be like this around a guy… Weird.

“Anyways, why did you leave the car that soon? I didn´t even have the chance to give you the coke”

“Maybe because I don´t want to help you”

“Oh, come on… You have got to help me”

“No, not at all. Ask Olive” I start walking again but Wilmer walks by my side now.

“Oh come on, Demi. Please help me. Olive is my sister, I cannot ask her”

“Why not?” I want to know.

“She will want to know why I don´t give the drugs to Jade myself and I´ll have to tell him everything” He explains. I laugh.

“Funny. Okay, I´ll help you” I stop walking to face him again.

“Oh, Gosh, thank you!” He exclaims. “Come to my house tonight and I´ll give you that shit, yeah?”

I roll my eyes once again.

“Okay. I´ll be there at 11. Good bye” I turn my body around, put the headphones in my ears again and I remain my walking towards the store.


At 10 o´clock I find myself in front of the mirror, wondering if Wilmer will think that I look good.

In about an hour I will be in front of him and every time I am near him I feel something really weird. I´m not really sure of what it is but it´s starting to worry me a little bit.

But what worries me the most is the fact that I felt so happy when he told me that he doesn´t want to be with Jade but she probably will fall in love with him… And she´s my friend.

A sigh gets out of me while I start getting rid of the dress I had put on my body.

If I go there all dressed up, he will think I want something with him and that´s not how this is. At least I guess it´s not like this. I truly hope so…       

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