Chapter 11 ~ Martin

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After finishing my make up, I stand in front of the mirror and look at my own reflection. I´m wearing a dark blue dress that hugs my body in all the right places. The perfect amount of cleavage is being shown.

I check if my parents are asleep before heading downstairs and leaving my house with my high heels in my hands.

“Finally” Jade speaks. Her back is leaned against the house and she´s holding a cigarette in between her fingers.

“Sorry, I had to make sure that no one noticed me” I tell her while putting the shoes on my feet.

“Whatever. Let´s go” Jade lets the cigarette hit the ground and steps on it.

“Did you give the money to… You know who”

“Yeah…” Automatically, I nibble on my lower lip, still feeling the taste of Wilmer´s kiss in my mouth.

“Good” Jade says. “Where are we going?” I ask her while walking.

The road is silent, just like yesterday.

“To a new club. It opened yesterday” She tells me. I nod my head, focusing on my breathing since this girl is walking way too fast.

When we reach the club, my feet are already hurting so as soon as I have the chance, I sit down.

Before I can notice it, there is a drink in my hands and I´m sipping on it.

I look around myself, looking for Jade but I don´t see her.

Where the hell is she?

“Hey, doll, are you alone?” A voice next to me speaks. I turn around and see a very handsome guy.

His hair is blonde and it´s all over his face but I am still able to realize that his eyes are dark blue. He has got plump lips, this makes me want to kiss him. Maybe it´s because of the drink.

“Um… I´m with a friend actually but… I don´t know where she is” I tell him and all he does is laugh.

“Well… I don´t think it´s funny…” I say, taking a sip of my drink which tastes amazing by the way.

“I know, I know… And I´m sorry but…”

“But what?”

“No nothing, let it go”

“Fine” I pull a grumpy face as I stand up and start walking into the dance floor, looking for my friend and walking away from that blonde guy who´s actually getting on my nerves.

“Wait, girl, I didn´t mean to be rude. I just wanna dance with you” The blonde is behind me right now.

“Okay, let´s dance” I turn around and just decide to enjoy the moment.

His body starts moving along with mine to the sound of the music around us. He puts his hands on my waist and makes my body hit his. I can even feel his breath on my face.

“What´s your name?” He asks in my ear. I giggle. “Demi, what about yours?”

“I´m Martin”

“Nice name” I say. “I know”

Well, he does not have confidence problems, that´s clear.

“Demi!” Before I can do anything to stop it, a girl that happens to be Jade, takes my hand and drags me outside the club. Martin runs behind us.

“Jade! Where the hell were you?” I ask her as soon as we are outside the club.

“Doesn´t matter, Dem. I met some guys and…” She lays eyes on Martin and immediately pulls a smile on her lips.

“Hey, cutie” She greets him. “Hey there” Martin says back.

“Ah, no, no. He´s mine” I say, giggling and making Martin giggle too. “Don´t worry about that, my dear” He whispers in my ear, sending the shivers down my spine.

I was just joking about the ´He´s mine´ thing but… Whatever. He´s cute so I think it´s okay.

“Okay, okay. Well, like I was saying, I met some guys and they have a huge party at their apartment and they said that we could go” Jade explains, her eyes are getting that special shine that someone gets when they´re excited.

“Can I go?” Martin asks. “Of course” Jade replies and starts jumping in her place. “Come on guys, let´s go!”


Well, this apartment is so huge. There are dancing bodies everywhere. They´re all having fun, drinking, smoking and everything that someone does at a party. The music is louder than ever and the bright neon lights on the ceiling catch my eye.

“Want something to drink?” Martin´s voice asks me while he places his hand on the small of my back.

“Um… Yeah” I reply as I notice how Jade is already kissing a guy. He´s way taller than her but he seems to be hot.

“You´re new in town, right?” Martin asks after asking for two drinks. I nod my head.

“How do you know?”

“I had never seen you before. I had seen your friend a couple of times but never you…”

He hands me the drink. It has got a red color. Or is it pink? Who cares?

“Oh… Well, yeah, I´m new”

“I´m glad I got to know you…” He´s coming closer to me, making me start to feel nervous.

“Oh… Same…” I put a quick smile on my lips.

Martin puts his hands on my hips and crashes his lips onto mine.

I´m shocked at first but at the end I kiss him back.

All of a sudden, Wilmer´s face pops into my mind, causing me to push Martin away.

“Hey! What´s wrong? I thought you liked me” He pouts at me.

“Yeah but… I… You… He… Oh Gosh, I gotta go” I stutter and quickly turn around to leave.

“Wait, Demi, let me walk with you towards your home..”

“No, Martin, please don´t. Tell Jade I had a headache, okay?” He nods his head so I give him a smile and rush towards the front door.

This is so wrong… I´m not even able to kiss other guys…

“This can´t be happening…” I whisper to myself as I walk down the road, hugging myself because it´s really cold.

“What can´t be happening?”

Oh, no… It´s Wilmer

I look in front of me and, yes, there he is, standing right there. But there´s something wrong with him…

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