Chapter 13 ~ Dilemma

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I place myself on my bed and put the violet covers on top of my body. Without saying anything, I turn the light off, making my bedroom completely dark.

“Goodnight, babe” I hear Wilmer mumble from the floor. I roll my eyes even though I know he can´t see it.

“Goodnight, Wilmer” I reply.

And then everything goes silent. I can hear my heart beating in the inside of my chest… I wonder if Wilmer can hear it. I hope not.

I don´t really know why but I don´t feel nervous by his side. Normally, when I´m with a boy I feel so nervous and insecure but… This time it´s so different it´s almost… It is actually incredible and pretty weird. Maybe Wilmer is special…

What the heck am I saying?

Of course he is not special. He´s just an asshole that wants to have all the girls. I´m just a part of his game. He´s an idiot.

A hot idiot…

“Demi?” His voice calling my name makes me leave my thoughts.


“Are you awake?” He asks.

“Seriously? Would I have answered if I wasn´t awake? Silly…”

I feel Wilmer´s body move on the floor. Then he´s still again.

“I was just wondering if… If you still hate me”

Haha, okay this is actually funny. Hilarious guy is this.

“Yes, I still hate you, Wilmer. Now, please, let me sleep and hush. I don´t want my parents to notice you”

He lightly giggles and, before I know it, I feel him being on top of me, with his hands on each side of my body.

“You don´t hate me, Demi” He whispers and I feel his hot breath against my lips.

The only thing I can do right now is swallow.

“Oh, yes, I do. Trust me” I quietly laugh.

“Are you sure?”

“Completely. Can you do me a favor and get the fuck off of me and go to sleep?”

“I don´t wanna sleep on the floor” He whines and I feel the back of his hand caressing my cheek. I close my eyes at the delicious touch and he presses his lips against mine, kissing me once again.

Even though it´s a short kiss, it made me feel so happy.

“On the floor, you” I laugh and push him off he bed.

That was not very smart of me since he falling on the floor caused a huge noise.

“Oh, shit…”

I can already feel my parents rushing towards here.

“Wilmer, get the fuck in my closet” I hiss, giving him a death glare.

He stands up with a painful face but does what I said as I lay down on the floor, pretending to be the one who fell of the bed.

“Demetria? What is going on?” My mom asks me as she enters the place along with my dad.

“Umm… Nothing… I just fell off the bed…” I say while standing up. “Oh… You woke us up…” Dad whines. “I don´t know if you know about this but your mother and I have got to work tomorrow and if you keep waking us up, then we won´t get enough sleep and then we will fail at work and you won´t be getting the life that you´re used to live” Dad talks to me, kind of annoyed.

“Yes, so stop making that much noise… Stop being selfish for once” Mom adds as dad leaves the room. Mom follows him, shutting the door behind their backs.

“Yeah, good night to you too, guys” I whisper and sit down on the bed as I let out a long sigh.

I feel the closet doors opening and, soon, Wilmer is getting out of it.

“Hey, came out of the closet?” I joke, faking a little giggle. He rolls his eyes at me but I just look down.

He sits down beside me. I guess he notices that I´m kind of down right now.

“Hey… Doll?” When he does not get an answer from me, he wraps one arm around my shoulders. “Bitches” He mumbles, making me smile.

“They only care about work, you know?” I whisper. He nods his head. “I know, Dem, I know. But let them be”

I sigh again and look at him to give him a little smile.

We stay like that for less than a minute. I end up putting my hands on each side of his face and pulling him closer for a kiss.

Wilmer kisses me back, again using the magic of his lips.

“Let´s go to sleep, hmh?” He says. I nod my head and I get under the covers as he lays down on the floor.

Once again, the lights gets turned off and I close my eyes, this time ready to sleep.

But it is not happening. It looks like I´m not going to get any sleep soon...

So I just stare at where the ceiling is supposed to be. Soon, I can feel Wilmer´s breathing become very calm which tells me he has fallen asleep.

I bite on my lower lip, remembering the taste of his kiss… I love it when he kisses me… And I´m not really sure if this is good or bad…

I cannot fall for him… He is dangerous… Not a good guy to be in love with… One of my friends is in love with him… He is a womanizer and an asshole… He only uses girls… I´m the next fool… I cannot fall in love with him…

But, crap, I think I´m falling way too hard for this hot sexy guy that´s sleeping on my bedroom floor with an injured arm…

I don´t know what to do… Should I keep it like this? Kiss sometimes… Or should I keep myself apart from him? Just in case he ends up hurting me… Just in case Jade decides she wants him to be hers…

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is so difficult…

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