Chapter 24 ~ I don't believe you

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Wilmer´s POV:

When Carlos sees me, he immediately wraps his arms around me.

“Okay, dude, go and talk to Demi” He says after the hug. I smile. “Okay” I reply and quickly walk away, rushing towards my house.

When I open the door, I get a slap on my face and, standing in front of me is my little sister Olive.

“You, asshole, how dare you to hurt my friend?” Olive yells at me.

“I´m sorry” I mumble while wondering how the fuck she knows about this… Wait… Did I hurt Demi? That means she feels something for me!

“I gotta talk to her. I love her. I fell in love, Olive! Can you believe it?” I ask, looking at her in excitedment.

“Fuck you” And she walks away.

I sigh and walk out of my house, heading towards Demi´s.

I press my finger against the doorbell and, soon, a woman opens the door for me.


“Um… Hi… Is Demi here?” I ask.

The woman looks at me for a few seconds and then she finally answers me.

“She´s upstairs…” She says and lets me enter the house. “Thank you, madame” I thank her and go upstairs.

I quickly find Demi´s door so I knock there. There is no answer so I just enter the room.

She is there, sitting on the bed and there are tears rolling down her cheeks.

Is this my fault? I hate myself.

“Dem…” I mumble. She looks at me.

She looks so fucking hurt…

“Go away” She mumbles like she doesn´t have the strength to yell.

“I can´t. I tried to but I can´t” I tell her and come closer to her. I sit down by her side.

“I love you, Demi.”

“You don´t.”

“I do”

“No, you don´t Wilmer. You fucking realized that we did not have sex and now you come back to fuck me and then leave me for good, right?”


Didn´t we have sex?

“I didn´t even know that we didn´t have sex!” I say.

“Yeah… I totally believe you” Demi says in a sarcastic way.

“Demi, please… I was confused, okay? I had never felt something like this before… You got me… I love you… I can´t stop thinking about you…”

Demi rolls her eyes.

“Go away, asshole, you´re just wasting your time”

“Demi! I love you!” I almost yell. “Yeah, of course” Once again, she´s being sarcastic.


“Go away, Wilmer, I don´t wanna see you” She mumbles and gets out of the bed.


“No! Wilmer, I´m tired of you, okay?” She screams and opens the door for me. “Leave”

Realizing that I messed up, I stand up and leave her room and her house, feeling like an idiot.

I´m such an idiot…

Demi´s POV:

I am in shock right now… Did Wilmer just tell me he loved me?

Okay, Demi, keep it cool, I know he´s fucking lying to sleep with me but I won´t let him…

The door bell ringing again makes me leave my world of thoughts.

“Demi, open the damn door!” I hear my mother yelling so I run downstairs.

“What?” I yell once I open the door, supposing that standing there is Wilmer.

“Oh… Sorry I thought you were…”

“It´s okay” Olive utters. “Can we talk?”

“Of course, come upstairs” I say.

“Mom, Olive´s here!” I yell to make my mom know about this before we go to my bedroom.

We sit on my bed.

“I lied, Olive… I do self-harm…” That´s what I say when the door is closed behind us. “Why did you lie?”

“I was afraid… I was bullied in my old school… That´s why we moved… Not because of my dad´s work…”


“I´m not this kind of girl. I didn´t party, I didn´t drink, I didn´t smoke… I´m a virgin also”

Olive gasps at my confessions.

“Yeah, what a shocker, hmm?”

I take a deep breath.

“I was this typical nerd… They bullied me because of it… My parents are always busy and… Well, I don´t blame them… I guess they just want to get money to give me the best… But sometimes, I´d love them to do things with me… You know, have family days, go on vacation which is something we never ever do…”

I decide to let her see my arms where you can still read “Fucking” on the left arm and “Nerd” on the other arm.

She gasps.

“This is what the bullies did to me” The tears are filling up my eyes but, somehow, I manage to fight them away.

“Woah, Dem…” Olive takes my arms and sees there are also fresh cuts. “Please stop doing it”

“I can´t…”

“You can, baby girl. I know it. I used to self harm too… Because of Justin. But I stopped. I´m five months clean” She smiles proudly.

“I´m really proud of you” I say and hug her. “Whenever you feel like cutting, call me and I´ll make you feel better, yeah?” I nod my head towards her.

“By the way, my brother says he is in love with you… Maybe this time it´s true… You should give him a chance” Olive speaks. I smile.

“I don´t know, Olive… What if he hurts me?”

“If he loves you, he won´t.” She says.

I sigh.

“I´ll think about it, yeah?”

“Okay. I´ll talk to him just to make sure he is really in love with you or it´s just an excuse to use you”

“Thanks” I smile at her.

“And, I´m going to break up with Justin. I have got to forget him”

“Yay!” I exclaim and automatically hug her tight. “I´m proud, baby” I whisper in her ear, causing her to giggle.

“You´re my best friend, Dem”

I smile at her.

“You´re my best friend too” I tell her. She smiles too.

“Besties forever, girl!” She exclaims, excited.

Finally, I have a best friend… I hope this one doesn´t turn into a bully…

I wonder what Jade is doing? Probably filling her body up with drugs…

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