Chapter 5 ~ Am I jealous?

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Demi's POV:

I slowly walk downstairs, mentally preparing myself for my parents talk. The truth is that I never ever got in trouble so this is my very first time and I have got to admit that it´s kind of scary.

I enter the living room. Mom and dad are both sitting on the sofa. I sigh before standing in front of them and laying my eyes on them.

“Sit down, Demetria” Dad demands, pointing at the armchair in front of the couch.

I do what he says.

“Okay, we are very, very disappointed on you” Mom tells me, intertwining her fingers. I sigh.

“I know, and I´m sorry…” I want to finish talking but dad cuts me off.

“What the hell were you thinking? You almost killed us. We were so worried.” He sounds angry so I look down at the ground.

“What happened yesterday?” This is mom again.

“I already told you, mom” I say, daring to look her in the eye.

“I want to hear it again”

“And I did not hear it yet” Dad adds.

I nibble on my lower lip.

“So… I went to this party with my new friends and… Well, after that, Olive wanted me to see her house so we went there and we watched a movie and… We fell asleep. End of the story. Not a big deal” I tell them.

“And why didn´t you call us?” Dad wants to know.

I sigh again. I´m sighing way too many times.

“I forgot. I was having fun…”

“And what do you think about that?” Mom questions.

I think it was irresponsible…

“I don´t know…” I say instead.

“I´ll tell you. It was very irresponsible.” She says as if I didn´t know already.

I know it was not right. I shouldn´t have drunk that much. I shouldn´t have smoked… I shouldn´t have stayed at Olive´s place…

“Okay… I won´t do it again” I tell her.

A little smile appears on her face.


“I promise, mom…” Dad gets up after I say those words.

“I don´t want you to be a partying girl, okay?” He says. I stand up too. “I´m not and I won´t be… It was just a party. The first and the last one”

He nods his head and walks away.

After that, mom does the same without sharing any more words with me.

I guess the discussion has ended so I go upstairs again and enter my bedroom.

I sit down on my bed and put my hands on my lap.

Should I keep going with this? I know these people I´m surrounding myself are not good… I mean, they can make me join the dark side… But… On the other hand, if I stop being with them, they will bully me for sure…

I think I´m going to stay with them… Plus, they´re cool and nice.

And, Wilmer, Olive´s brother, is really hot…

The weekend passes by soon and, before I can notice it, it is Monday again.

I enter the classroom and sit by Jade´s side since Olive sits next to Justin like always.

“Hey there, how are you doing?” Jade asks me, saving her phone in her bag. I smile at her.

“Pretty good, what about you?” I reply while putting the books and pens on the table.

“Amazing. I´m doing amazing” Jade says with a grin.

“Oh, and is there a reason for that?” I want to know, winking at her. She giggles.

“Of course, girl, there´s always a reason…” She starts. “Well, you do remember Wilmer, right? I talked about him yesterday…” I give her a nod.

“He texted me yesterday night…” She adds.

I swallow.


“He wants to hang out with me… I think he wants to make out”

My jaw drops open… This is incredible… Yesterday he fucking told me that my ass was nice and…

Okay, Demi, calm down… He doesn´t need to be yours just because he said your ass was nice… It was just a little comment.

“Oh, that´s… Cool… When are you guys going to hang?”

“Today. Oh my God, Dem, he´s so hot!”

“I know” I force a giggle.

Wait… Am I feeling jealous? This is not right at all. Wilmer means nothing to me, right?

“How do you know?”

“I saw him yesterday morning” I tell her. “He is definitely hot so… You´re lucky!” I give her another wink so she doesn´t suspect I´m not really happy with these news.

“I know, I know” She says.

“And… What about Olive? Won´t she get mad if she knows about it?”

“I don´t know but I don´t even care”

Jade and Olive´s friendship is truly weird sometimes…

The teacher comes in and starts talking about math… Bla, bla, bla…


“Finally, time to go home” I think while closing my bag and following Jade, Olive and Justin out of this school.

“See you at five at the park” Olive tells Jade and me before leaving with her boyfriend Justin who gives her ass a light slap.

“Why at the park?” I ask Jade while we start walking.

“We always hang at the park… It´s like our second home” She explains.

“Ohh” I express “And what about Wilmer?”

“I guess he´ll come with us to the park and then I will leave with him or something like that. I don´t know yet. Let´s see what happens” The girl next to me lets out a laugh.

I force a laugh too.

“We should look for a boy for you” Jade announces.

“What? No, I don´t want boys”

“Why not? Are you a lesbian? Let´s look for a girl then”

“No, I´m not a lesbian… I just… I just want to be single…”

“But, Demi, come on, you don´t have to date a guy… Just use him for fun. Some making out, some sex… If you know what I mean” Jade talks.

Okay, If I´m getting this right, she´s supposing I´m not a virgin… Oh, dear…

“Um… I pass”

“You´re a really weird girl, did you know?” Jade raises one eyebrow at me. I let out a sigh.

“Maybe… See you” I give her cheek a kiss and enter my house.

No one is at home because they are working a usual so I just prepare myself a sandwich, eat it with orange juice and then I go upstairs where I let my body hit the bed matrass.

Somehow, Wilmer´s face pops into my mind again.

“Ughh, what the fuck? Get out of my head!” I yell at an imaginary Wilmer.

I don´t even like him.

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