Chapter 19 ~ Smoke

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Demi´s POV:

Mom yelling at me is the first thing I have to deal with when I arrive at home.

“Demetria, you are late!”

But there are too many things running through my mind right now to care about my mother being upset and angry.

“I know, mom and I´m sorry” I quickly tell her, already going upstairs.

Once I´m in my room and I´ve locked the door, I let myself fall on the bed as a sigh escapes my mouth.

One more time, Wilmer is the cause of my sigh.

I have got to admit that I really wanted to kiss him but I knew it wouldn´t be right. Perhaps he just says he feels close to me to fuck me.

I don´t want to be the next one… I don´t want to be his toy… I don´t want him to use me just once or twice and then leave me forever and never look back at me.

And now I need to think of another plan to distract myself from Wilmer and I also need to make Olive meet other guys… We could go together to a party or something but I´m scared that I see Wilmer again… Somehow, he´s always at the parties…

My phone ringing in the inside of my purse, causes my mind to stop thinking about all that stuff.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Demi, it´s Olive.” The girl on the other side of the phone tells me. She doesn´t sound that sad anymore but she´s definitely not okay yet.

“Hey baby, how are you?” I ask her, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Fine… I guess. But whatever, I wanted to tell you something”

“Go ahead”

“Justin came” She states.

“Seriously? What did he want? Did you kick his ass? I hope so” I say and then there´s a quiet minute in between us.

“We had sex” She sighs.

“No way…”

She doesn´t say anything else which means she is actually telling the truth.

“Olive!” I whine, annoyed. “I know it´s wrong, Dem… Sorry”

“Don´t tell me your sorry, Olive. Tell yourself you are sorry. That ass of a guy only wants you for sex. Remember how much he hurt you, how the hell do you do what he wants? I just…”

“I know, I´m an idiot”

“No you´re not. You´re just in love”

“In an idiot way”

“Probably… But hey, it´s not your fault” I tell her, knowing she might be destroyed right now. “What happened after fucking him?”

“He left without saying a word”

“Asshole” I mumble through my teeth.

“Dem, please don´t insult him… I still love him, okay? And it hurts when you talk shit about him”

“But it´s the truth”

“So what?”

I don´t know what to say to make her feel better without insulting that stupid idiot.

“My brother´s here. I gotta go. Bye”

Before I can tell her a goodbye, the other line goes completely silent so I throw my phone somewhere on the bed and go back to my world of thoughts.

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