Chapter 30 ~ Go away

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Wilmer´s POV:

The night came and Demi didn´t appear. I called her several times. So did Tom.

“We should go check on her” Tom ends up saying, tired of waiting.

Olive nods her head.

“Yeah, I´m kind of worried”

“I´m really worried” I say, standing up and putting on my jacket. Tom and Olive do the same and in a matter of two minutes, were walking towards Demi´s house.

We press the bell ring like five times but no one opens the door.

“What if they´re at the hospital?” Olive suggests. “Yeah, maybe…”

We turn around, ready to leave but then the door flows open.

“What do you guys want?” Demi´s dad asks us.

“Is Demi here?” Olive takes the lead and asks. The man softly nods his head.

“She´s upstairs…” He mumbles. “I´ll be at the hospital” And after that, he takes his coat and leaves us behind in his house.

I shrug and run upstairs, followed by Tom and my sister.

Her bedroom is locked but, thank God, Tom knows how to handle that and we end up entering her room.

She´s sitting on her bed with a huge smile on her face.

“Dem?” Olive is the first one to get closer to her.

“Olive! How are you, baby girl!?” Demi stands up and wraps her arms around Olive, who starts coughing.

“Demi! You fucking…” Olive pulls away from her. “Oh God…”

Tom walks up to the girls while I stay there.

“Hello, Tommy-Tom… You look very cuteee” Demi says, hugging him too.

“So….” Tom also pulls away from her and looks at me. I nod my head.

“I´ll handle this, guys. Go see how her dad is doing. He doesn´t seem to be ok”

Olive and Tom nod their heads, being almost sure that they won´t be able to keep Demi save, and they walk away after patting my shoulder.

I close the door behind them and look at her. She´s pretending to be dancing ballet while she hums some classical music song.

Suddenly, she stops and stares at me.

“Hey, baby” She greets me with a seductive voice while she slowly walks up to me.

“Hey, Demi” I say. She wraps her arms around my waist and presses her face against my chest.

“I missed you, babe… Thanks for coming” She giggles and then looks up at me. “Kiss me?”

“No, Demi… You gotta stop all of this, baby girl…” She pouts and I just think she´s so adorable so I end up gently kissing her. Demi deepens the kiss by putting her hands on my neck and making her tongue enter my mouth.

“Okay, missy, that´s enough” I say, lightly pushing her away. She pouts again but this time I´m strong enough to ignore it.

“Whyyyyy?” She whines. I sigh and take her hand in mine. “You gotta take a bath, yeah?”

“No, I don´t wanna bath” She whines, showing off her pout again.

I walk up to her and take her in my arms, bridal style before bringing her to the bathroom.

“Okay, no take a bath, yeah?” She ends up nodding her head so I prepare the bath for her and then leave her alone.

Not much later, I go check on her and she was playing around in the bath tub. These drugs make people turn into a weird sort of kids…

“Demi, have you finished bathing?”

She nods her head so I wrap a white towel around her and take her to the room where she puts on her pajamas.

She kisses me passionately once we are sit down on her bed. She straddles my waist after making me lay down on the bed.

“Mmm” I moan when she starts kissing my neck, sucking and nibbling there. I place my hands on her waist while she takes off my shirt, giggling.

And when she tries to take off my pants, I realize what´s going on… She wants to have sex… It would be our first time… And she´s high on drugs… So this isn´t her real her.

“Demi, Demi… Stop” I whisper against her lips. She looks into my eyes. A smile is on her face. I hug her and make her lay next to me with her head resting on my bare chest.

“You don´t wanna have sex?” She asks, drawing imaginary circles on my chest´s skin.

“I want to, babe, but when you are sober” I tell her. She nods her head and then she closes her eyes.

I place a kiss on top of her head and stare at her while she peacefully starts sleeping.

I never, ever expected that love would be like this… I care so much about her… I would die and even kill for her… For her.

Demi´s POV:

Slowly, I open up my eyes and I notice someone laying next to me. I don´t have to do a lot to realize it´s Wilmer. My Wilmer. I smile and place a little kiss on his lips.

Memories from last night invade my mind and I immediately feel ashamed of myself…

“Morning, princess” His sexy morning voice says, making me smile. “Morning… Um… Sorry for last night…”

He pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek.

“Baby… It is okay… I don´t want you to do it again though, is that clear?”

Wilmer´s POV:

She looks down.


“How´s my mom?”

“She hasn´t woken up yet” I tell her. Last night, Olive called me to tell me that and to ask how Demi was.


“Demi you need to stop using drugs”

“Wilmer, you know nothing!” She suddenly yells at me, getting out of the bed as tears start to roll down her face.


“No, Wilmer! Shut up!” She screams. “Go away right now! I wanna be alone!”

“The last time you said that you ended up…” Her hands meets my cheek and that´s when I get mad.

“Look, I can´t stand this. I´m going” I stand up, put on my shirt and my shoes. Then I grab my jacket and go away, leaving her away.

After all I´ve done for her… She treats me like shit… Fuck her.

Fuck us.


GUYYYYYS!!!!!! What do you thiiiiinkkkkkkkk?????????? So… I´m inspired again!!! And…. Things will happen… Soon!! Hahahaha
Soooo….. I posted a new Dilmer fanfic!!! It´s called Luna  [ ]
  and… It would mean a lot if you guys checked it out and told me what you think about it :) ;)
Loveeeeee yoooou!!!! Xoxoxoxoox

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