Chapter 25 ~ Pregnant

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Wilmer´s POV:

After thinking for a while, I realize that there´s nothing I can do to make Demi trust me… I don´t know how to make a girl feel loved…I´m new into this sort of stuff.

All of a sudden, the door of my bedroom flows open and reveals Olive behind it.

“Hey, sis” I mumble. She sits down next to me and lets out a sigh. “Hey, bro”

“Were where you?” I decide to ask her. She sighs again. “I just broke up with Justin”

Her words surprise me so I look at her with my eyes larger than ever.

“I talked to Demi and realized that was the best I could do…”

“You… Um… Talked to Demi?”

Olive giggles and pulls a lock of her hair behind her ear before taking a deep breath and looking at her brother, aka, me.

“Yeah… Boy, she loves you just as much as you love her. You gotta fight for her though… She´s afraid that you might hurt her, you know? Plus, she isn´t who she lets us see she is…” She rolls her eyes. “If that makes any sense” Olive laughs lightly, making me laugh a little bit too.

“Yeah, it makes sense… Kind of”

We laugh together and then we both go silent.

“I´m proud of you, baby” I finally break the silence. She looks at me. I don’t have to look back at her to know that, on her lips, is a little smile.

“Thanks” She mumbles.

“No problem… So… What should I do with Demi?”

“Man… Just show her you care about her… Do what a man does to get a woman…”

“I don´t know how to do that… Help me?”

She laughs really loudly.

“Come on, sis, help me” I whine, looking at her with pleading eyes.

“Alright… Buy her flowers… Sing for her… Take her out to a romantic dinner… Don´t try to have sex with her, is that clear?” Olive looks at me in a very, very serious way that reminds me of mom´s way of looking at me when I have to do something.


“Nah, wait until tomorrow… She needs time, trust me”

“Okay… Thanks”

“You´re welcome… You know? It´s weird… You being in love is just so weird”

“I know…” I mumble as a smile appears on my face. “I want to see her…” I give my little sister a pout. She rolls her eyes.

“Give her time, Willy!” She laughs, immediately making me laugh too. The feeling of wanting to be by her side does not disappear though.

Demi´s POV:

Thinking about Wilmer while listening to heart breaking music causes me to cry.

I´m not sure if these tears are happy ones, lame ones or sad ones… Maybe a mixture of all of them…

The door-bell starts ringing like crazy, creating a grunt in me but causing me to leave my bed and my headphones.

Wiping my tears away, I walk downstairs and soon, I open the door.

A tiny part of me hopes that it´s Wilmer behind the door but, no, it ends up being a broken Jade.

Her eyes are puffy and red from crying and she looks tired, dirty… Basically, she´s a mess.

“Jade?” I am surprised to see her… I haven´s seen her in a while…

“Demi, I… I… I am Pregnant” She cries and my jaw drops open while I gasp at her shocking news.

“Excuse me… What did you just say?” I ask after shaking my head in disbelief, not being able to make my brain understand this shit.

“Demi, I´m fucking pregnant. Let me in.” Before I can let her enter my house, she does that by her own and, as if it was her home, she starts walking upstairs, heading towards my bedroom. I follow her from behind.

“Dave´s the father” She mumbles, sitting down on the edge of my bed, rubbing her thighs up and down, trying to comfort herself.

I lean my back on the closed door and take a very deep breath.

“Are you sure about you being pregnant?”

“Yeah. 100% sure”

“Oh… Does Dave now?”

“Yes… He ingores me now… That´s why I´m here” She starts crying uncontrollably. Her shoulders are shaking like an earthquake.

Even though I feel bad for her, I also think she deserves this…

I know, I know what you´re thinking… You´re thinking that I´m the worst person on earth but… You know… I feel like she has just came here because she has a problem and she doesn´t have anyone to talk to about this huge problem…

And she must have thought that Demi would be here for her…

And Demi is here… I would be a horrible person if I left her alone right now…

I slowly walk up to her side and sit down. I wrap my arms around her tightly, bringing her into my, hopefully comforting, embrace.

She does not seem to calm down at first but when I start rubbing her back up and down and whispering in her ear that everything would be alright, her crying becomes sobbing.

“You have to tell your parents”

“They´ll kill me! Demi, I wanna kill myself!”

“Don´t say that, silly!” I playfully hit her shoulder. “I know… But… Dave left me…”

“He´s a jerk…”

“He was perfect… We were perfect”

“Well… If he had stayed then it would still be perfect”

Jade sniffs.

“I´ll bring him back, don´t worry” I tell her while a smirk takes it place on my lips and an idea pops into my mind.


“Yeah… Give me his number…”

Jade sighs and pulls her phone out of her pocket.

“It´ll be hopeless… I tried calling him a few times… And he doesn´t reply… I guess he changed his telephone number”

“If he did that, I swear you that I´ll kill him”

Jade gives me his number and I save it. I´ll call him tonight and have a very serious speech to give him… And he better listen to me…

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