Before The Wedding - Part 5

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"Mansur. Wake up!" I heard Umma say. She tapped my leg gently, as I squirmed into my bed. I reached over to grab my duvet, but my hands grasped nothing but air. That was when I realised that I wasn't on my bed. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around, immediately shutting them again as the light pierced my sensitive eyes. Almost immediately, I felt a stinging pain in my head.

"Haba mana, kasan qarfe nawa kuwa? Ko sallar asuba bakayi ba balle azahar(Come on, do you know what the time is? You haven't even prayed Subhi, not to talk of Zuh'r)." she said, her voice sharply stinging my ears.

"Come on Umma, you don't have to shout." I grumbled, rolling from the couch onto the floor.

"I'm not shouting. Just wake up and have your breakfast at least." she said, dropping what I assumed was a tray beside me.

Grudgingly, I opened my eyes again and looked down. There was a bowl of pepper soup on the tray, with an omelette and some fried potatoes. There was also some orange juice in a jug, and two cupcakes.

"Nagode (Thanks)" I muttered, grabbing my fork as I wolfed down the food.

"Slow down, or you'll end up choking." Umma cautioned, placing her hand on my shoulder. I sipped the orange juice and relaxed a bit.

"What's the time?" I asked Umma, scratching my head as I rummaged my pockets for my phone.

"2:27 pm." she said, checking her phone. I shrugged and continued to eat. I felt her eyes on me as I ate, but I didn't turn to look at her.

"The engineer came this morning. He said they'll be done with the downstairs bedroom on Thursday, which means you can move back in on Saturday." she said, watching me closely to see my expression.

"Alhamdulillah." I said, still rummaging for my phone.

"Your father wants to see you, by the way." she said, standing up. I furrowed my brows as I looked up at her. "Right now? But I just woke up. And I have a serious headache. Can't you just tell him I'm not around?"

"He went out with Rukayyah and Hafsah. They'll be back in a few hours, so you'll have some time to yourself. Freshen up before they get back." she said before leaving the room.

"Ya Allah!" I groaned, pushing myself to my feet. My head throbbed viciously, and I had to steady myself with the couch. 'There must be some painkillers in my drawer' I thought to myself. Partially shutting my eyes, I dragged myself to my room and gingerly sat on the bed.

"Where are they?" I muttered to myself as I searched the drawer for the pills.

"Finally." I smiled as my hands landed on the pills. I popped two pills out of the paper bag and swallowed them without any water.

I collapsed onto the bed and heaved a sigh, grabbing my duvet. I turned on the A.C and pulled the duvet over my body.


"WHERE IS HE?" Abba yelled just outside my bedroom window. I jolted upwards, the noise stirring me awake. Several people were shuffling their feet just outside the room, and everyone was talking rapidly that I couldn't separate one voice from the other.

"Haba Sharif, dazu dana shiga naga kamar bashi da lafiya. Kar kaje ka takura mishi (Come on Sharif, when I saw him a while ago, he looked ill. Don't go and disturb him)." I heard Umma say.

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