Before The Wedding - Part 1

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"Get up, you lazy man." Rukayyah said, nudging me in bed. I turned lazily and squinted my eyes at the light.

"Yaya Mansur, ka tashi mana. Gari ya waye. (Brother Mansur wake up. It's morning already)." she said, nudging me a little bit harder this time.

I groaned and dropped the duvet, glaring at my twenty two year old younger sister. She was smiling sweetly at me, oblivious to the fact that I wanted to strangle her to death.

"Get out of my room." I said, pointing to the door. She stomped her feet and glared at me, placing her hands on her hips. "It's not like I even wanted to come here." she said, squaring her shoulders. "Umma tana kiran ka (Umma is calling you)." she said, walking out of my room.

I fell back onto my pillow and groaned in frustration. It was too early for errands. Saturdays are meant for resting, not for driving around town. And knowing Umma, she most definitely wants to send me on an errand.

Heading into the bathroom, I turned on the tap and sprinkled my face with some water. I slapped my cheeks a couple of times, trying to erase every last bit of sleep from my system. My beard was looking very rough and unkempt. I needed to get a trim very soon.

Running my fingers through my hair, I quickly brushed my teeth and headed out towards the main house. As I walked, the cold harmattan air blew through the compound, making me shiver. I should have worn a coat.

I knocked on the back door as I arrived. The house seemed very quiet for a Saturday morning. Where was everybody?

Rukayyah opened the door, not even bothering to look at me. "Sannu mutan BQ (Hello boys-quarters resident)." she said, smirking as she turned to run away. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the kitchen.

In case you're wondering, I'm not really living in my parents house. At twenty eight years, that would be an embarrassment. I have my own house in Wuse, but it's currently undergoing renovation. So for the main time, I have to make do with what I've got.

Judging by how quiet the house was when I stepped into the kitchen, I guessed that everybody else must be sleeping. My two other siblings - Hafsah and Nafisah - would have been causing a lot of commotion if they were awake. They would probably be sleeping till noon since it was a Saturday.

I decided to enter the living room through the dining room, because that would give me a good view of the living room before I announced my arrival.

Stopping in front of the dining room, I looked around at the living room, which was completely empty. The TV was turned on and it was tuned to Arewa24, so I knew that Umma must have been here. If it wasn't Arewa24, then it would be Zeeworld or Africa magic Hausa.

Grabbing the remote from the center table, I switched the channel to M-net premier, where The Avengers movie was showing. Leaning against the chair, I began to watch the movie before I was interrupted by the sound of Umma's slippers on the tiles, descending the stairs. I straightened up instantly, quickly flicking back to Arewa24.

"Hajiya Umma, ina kwana(Good morning Umma)." I chuckled as she finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing a black hijab, with her Qur'an on one hand and a tally counter in the other. She was muttering duas (supplications) silently as she watched me, before she quickly finished her supplications.

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