Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

Firstly, I can't begin to explain how much I appreciate the fact that you made it to the end. It's been an amazing experience for me writing this book, and all the long sleepless nights are definitely worth it. When I started, I never expected more than 50 people to read it, because the plot sounded so cliché and stupid in my head. So you can imagine how my mind was blown when I saw 2.5 thousand reads in less than a week. I have no-one to thank but you guys, for all the votes, comments and the fact that you've even recommended this book to someone else. That, - for me - is the best gift you could ever give me. 😊

Secondly, I know I've annoyed some people to the extent where they even want to come and beat me in my house (You know yourselves. I'm not mentioning any name). You're still welcome to, and I look forward to your visit. But just remember, I know Kung fu, Taekwondo, Judo, Karate and several other big words. 🤺

Thirdly, if you've ever left a comment in any chapter, even if I didn't reply due to one thing or the other, just know that I saw your comment, and I appreciate it. There are some people who comment in almost every chapter, and I hope one day you will come across a stranger who will give you the keys to the vaults of Central Bank. When that happens, contact me immediately. I've watched every Fast & Furious movie, so I know how to plan a robbery. 😎

Also, I wanted to explain why I started this book. Actually, the idea came from an argument I was having with my sister over a movie we were watching (don't ask me the name, I've forgotten). The idea stuck with me for a very long time before I decided to try and write a few chapters about it, because that's what I do when I get an idea. I have about seven other books in my drafts that spawned from a brief idea that popped into my head. I hope I'll have enough time to finish them very soon, because nothing makes me more happy than sitting in a dark room all by myself and typing for hours on end. 😁

Married To A Tyrant started as a book about what some women go through in their marriages, without ever having the courage to tell someone what their going through. I've seen and heard of terrible men who derive pleasure from seeing their wives suffering. That idea seems appalling to me. It's a basic law of humanity: a man should never hit a lady. No matter what she does. I can't even understand what goes through a man's head when he's beating his wife.

A wife is not a toy, neither is she a slave. I think the problem comes from us as a society, because we make it seem like the man is above the woman in a marriage. Little things like saying "She's getting married to him." and not "They're getting married to each other." can go a long way. Naturally, most men like to feel in control. Being a man is all about being responsible for your family and your loved ones. But then some men choose to forget that a wife is a companion. She's neither beneath you, nor is she inferior to you. She's a partner, who is there to assist you through all the hardships in this life. The simple fact that a woman is under your care doesn't make her any less of a human being than you. Before she was your wife, and even after you get married to her, she's a human being above everything else. Rule of thumb: Treat your wives the same way you'd want someone to treat your daughters.

Initially, I didn't plan on introducing a character like Usman. But somewhere along the line, I felt Salma needed someone who'd love her unconditionally. To me, Usman symbolises everything a man should be for his woman: selfless, caring, loving, understanding, playful, kind and good-natured. I'm sure you can tell that Mansur symbolises the exact opposite of these traits. Still, I feel bad for him in a way. After all, he was trying to change, but he couldn't. I'm not saying he didn't deserve what he got, but I still feel sorry for him.

The original plan was to have him kill Salma (although accidentally) and then he'll have to live with that regret for the rest of his life. I planned on leaving just him and Noor together, and he'd change because of his daughter, but then someone convinced me otherwise. As one reader was so kind to point out, 'Salma deserves her happily ever after'.

I still don't want to accept the fact that we've reached the end of this amazing journey. I've been smiling ever since I typed the last word in the previous chapter, and I'm still smiling as I'm typing this. Once again, a big thank you to everyone who stuck with me through all the ups and downs. You guys are amazing, and thank you so much for the support you've shown me. I never expected to get as much support as you've given me since we started. Thank you for all the positive messages I've received. Thank you for all the death threats you've sent to me because I killed off a character. I look forward to killing off more people in the future. (Fictional characters, of course).

Now, I want us to have one last conversation before we draw the curtains on MTAT. I think there are still a few unanswered question you have for me. I'd be more than glad to answer any questions you may have. So, leave your questions as a comment down below (I feel like a YouTuber saying that) and I'll answer them all very soon. I've always wanted to do a Q&A session. You can ask me anything, as long as it's a sensible question because I can't answer questions like ' What's Usman's great grandfather's, neighbour's, son's name '? P.S, it's Ibrahim.

Also, I'm curious to know who you've been imagining as the characters all this while. I wish Wattpad allowed us to send pictures. But since not, you can send the pictures (if you have any) to my email address (, or you can tag me on Instagram if you come across any picture who resembles a character. I'll be selecting the ones who look as close to the characters as possible, and I'll post them later so you can see how wrong your brain has been all this time.

Lastly, just in case you're interested, I've started a new book, which will follow Jafar and Nabilah's life. It's a standalone book, so it's not tied to MTAT. But still, you can expect a few cameos from your favorite characters, and some never before seen parts (That one year leap was intentional. More about it will be discussed in the new book). I'd very much appreciate it if you give it a try as well. You guys are the best, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to all of you.

Finally, I don't know what the future holds. No-one does. All we can do is sit back and watch as life unfolds. But I'll leave you all with my favorite saying from a movie ever (X-men: Days of Future Past)...

The future is never truly set!

Yours sincerely,

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