4. Second Crash

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Here's how I imagine Ryan would look like.🔝

Don't know who the actor is though, do you?


I woke up to the first rays of the early morning sun. One look at my old cute Minnie Mouse alarm clock told me it was too early, but going back to sleep was a no-brainer. I was a mass of nerves.

Today was the day. School was finally starting.

After spending practically the whole night looking at my bedroom ceiling--learning every notch and stain-- I was grateful for the few hours of sleep I managed to catch. At least I'd avoid spotting bags under my eyes on the first day.

My body sang with energy and I couldn't help but jump up from bed and run to the cupboard, throwing open the doors enthusiastically, almost taking them off their hinges. I was finally experiencing this new side of me in action and until now I was enjoying every little bit.

I fumbled arround with the clothes I was going to wear. Given it was the first day, I wanted something that looked nice, but didn't look like I'd put too much effort on.
Finally, I settled for a loose white T-shirt and a pair of leggins frayed at the knees.

I wandered around my room searching for my new yellow Chuck Taylor's and finally found them under a heap of clothes at the foot of my bed.

I stode to the bathroom to wash my face and took a good look at my reflection. My eyes still looked sleepy, but that wouldn't be a problem after my morning coffee. Combing my fingers through my hair, I let it hang loosely at my sides, giving it a messy look--because it was the only way to make it look passable-- I applied some mascara and lip balm before slipping out and grabbing my bag. Checking I had everything I could possibly need, I hurried downstairs, a spring on my step.

When I reached the kitchen mum was already there, flipping through the newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee, the strong aroma overflowing my senses.

She looked up from the paper just as I was making my way to her and smiled at me,"Good morning honey. How are you feeling?"

I exhaled in a rush as I dropped my bag on a stool,"Nervous."

Her smile got bigger and she stood up, grabbing a mug to pour me coffee,"Don't be," she said,"I'm sure everything's going to run smoothly."

Taking a waffle from the plate on the table, I spread srawberry jam over it and stuffed it inside my mouth. "Hope so." I managed to say as I chewed.

Accepting the mug she handed my way, I gulped it down and smiled."Thanks for breakfast mum." I said, leaning over the table and offering her a noisy kiss on her cheek.

"You're welcome honey. But tomorrow's your turn." She smiled mischeviously as her gaze returned to the paper she'd set aside.

I laughed as I made my way upstairs to brush my teeth and reaply lip balm. I don't know why I always bother to put it on when I get up if in the end I always end up brushing my teeth afterwards.

I guess that's one of the questions girls don't have answers to. Like why do we always go to the bathroom together. I'm sure boys really wonder about that one too.

I took the stairs slowly, careful not to slip and fall flat on my ass. You would be surprised how many bumps I have had on my seventeen years of life because of that. I had already lost count.

Grabbing my bag, I opened the door and stepped out."Bye mum, love you!" I shouted.

"Love you too honey, have a nice day. Call me if you need anything."

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