31. Sisters & Secrets

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"Quick, come on in!" Char whisper-yelled at the same time she pushed me inside her bedroom, her feet following close behind. Her head swiveled to the sides before she ducked back inside closing the door behind her.

"Gosh! Finally. I thought they were never gonna let you go." I watched in amusement as she sagged against the door releasing a deep sigh.

I had to admit I was surprised she managed to wrench me away too. Ryan's mom was nice but she could gabe like crazy.

We had had a nice lunch the four of us together after wich Cecilia insisted on showing me the family albums, ignoring Ryan half-hearted protests. I had a feeling he would let his mother get away with anything though, that was how much he loved her. Cecilia had the time of her life telling me anecdotes about Ryan's shenanigans.

I caught him staring at the both of us at one moment as we laughed at something his mother had said. His face had a faraway look before he blinked and his warm eyes met mine, a soft smile playing on his lips. It made me wonder what was going on inside that head of his.

A laugh escaped my lips as I contemplated Charlotte's exhausted face. "So I take it you don't really need my help with that photography assignment."

She gave me an innocent smile. "No?"

A silent laugh escaped me as my eyes took in her spacious room.

"Do you play the piano?" I asked, walking over to said instrument. I couldn't help my index finger from reaching out to slide across the smooth shiny surface.

"Yep." I felt her come closer until she stood by my side. "I've been playing since I was ten. I was going through a difficult time then and my parents suggested channeling all my feelings through art. The psychologist said it would help my recovery." She flopped down on the bed, hugging one of the decorative pillows to her chest. "At first the idea didn't have any appeal to me, but then one day I saw a video of a man playing the piano and I was instantly drawn to it." She shrugged. "Next thing I knew I had a brand new piano in my room. I've been glued to it since then."

I flopped down beside her wondering what was this difficult situation she went through. "I wish I knew my way around an instrument. Unfortunately the only thing I can play is the musical chairs."

Char chuckled. "And I wish I knew how to take cool pictures, but we don't always get what we want."

"Yeah." I sighed. "It would be great to know how to play the cello though."

Charlotte let out a wistful sigh beside me, "I know, right? One of my classmates is teaching me transverse flute but I still haven't gotten the hang of it."

"Are you kidding? That's great!"

"Yep. I really love my school. I take part on the orchestra and the dance team. I'll let you know when we are performing next so you can come see."

"Sure." I could tell how much it meant to her.

I heard a clap and a yelp and then I was suddenly being squeezed against her as she hugged me. "You are the best Kalley! You really are good for my brother you know..."

Carefully I circled my arms around her, hugging her back.

"You bring that soft side of him out. He usually presents himself as cocky and self-centered. Not many get to see the nice guy underneath, but you do. I've watched you two together, the way you interact and I fully approve."

I smiled against her hair.

Yeah, I knew he put up a front. The charming, outgoing personality was part of it. I had my suspicions that it was all an act to hide what was underneath. Why would he want to erect those walls to protect himself against others I still did not know.

There weren't much people who he'd let in. Just his close circle of friends and ultimately I had a feeling Emily knew him well too.

But he had let me in. I had caught glimpses of that guy here and there and he drew me in. Despite my attempts at resisting him I couldn't do it. If he had been a self-absorbed prick then fine, I could have turned around and not given him a second thought. But he wasn't.

Char pulled slightly away to look into my eyes. "And I couldn't have wished for a better sister."

I smiled at her. "I am the lucky one."

She snorted. "You aren't. Trust me. You'll find out soon enough."


"So tell me about you. Are there any hot guys out there?"

A half hour later I lay with Char on her bed, bare feet plopped up against the headboard.

Her cheeks turned slightly pink before her eyes skittered away. "There is one..."

I let out a sound of delight as I poked at her side. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"Shh." She hushed me. "His name is Dylan and he is your age. He has this dark and dangerous vibe about him..."

"He sounds nice..."

She sighed. "Yeah. Ryan doesn't approve of him though. He is convinced Dylan is this bad guy and that he is just playing with me."

I could hear the hurt in those last few words. If the guy looked dangerous I could understand why Ryan would warn her to be cautious, but telling her the guy was playing with her wasn't nice at all.

"Why wouldn't he like him?" I asked.

Char pressed her lips together, "He is too protective of me. Ever since...you know."

Nope. I did not know, but I assumed she referred to that situation she went through.

"He doesn't like me going out without him or dating guys, but that's not it at all. I could pull off having a boyfriend without him nosing in all the time. No prob.  The thing is he actually knows Dylan."

"Ryan knows this guy?"


"And he can vouch that he isn't a good guy?"

"Yes. I know what you are going to say, but I've been with Dylan on several occasions, we've crossed paths and he was nice to me. I can't find all those claims my brother held against him. He doesn't look like the person who would do those things."

I rose up on my elbows to stare at her. "Char, are you really sure you know this guy?"

"Yes." Her eyes fixed into mine but there was a slight doubt in them. "Ryan doesn't really know him. He hasn't spent time with him. He just throws him in the same bag as his brother and he doesn't understand they are not the same."

I bite my lip wondering if Char's judgement wasn't being clouded by her attraction to this guy. "I'm not saying Ryan's right, but you should be careful Char. Even if this Dylan guy is nice promise you'll be careful with him. I'd hate for you to get hurt."

Char nodded. "I promise."

I could tell she was being smart about it, but there was something that still didn't sit right with me. "You said Ryan knows this guy?"

Char nodded. "I knew him by name too. I just hadn't noticed it was him the first times we met because he didn't give me his full name."

The wires started turning inside my head.

Dark and dangerous vibe.


My age.

"Stay away from her."

Ryan's voice slipped inside my thoughts again and suddenly I was back at the park staring as Ryan and a guy with tattoos faced each other bodies coiled tight.

"Stay away from her."

Then the scene changed and I was back with Emily as I waited for Ryan to exit the courthouse. She had said something about Charlotte. A warning about whom she associated with.

"I wouldn't want anything happening to her."

Her words echoed inside my head.

"What is his full name?" I asked her, heart in my throat.

"Dylan Trafford."

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