28. Dark and Dangerous

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New update! I know... I'm a mess. I haven't got an update schedule, chapters are updated at random please bear with me. (At least I post once a week ;)

Thanks for all the support you've given me so far. You're the best!


Leaning my back against the side wall of the field house I watched as one by one players came out of the door that lead to the changing rooms. Taylor had come out with a group of friends a while ago, I had congratulated him and we exchanged a few words before he left. Ryan had been the last to go in so I assumed I still had a long time to wait.

The sun was coming down over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the buildings and the top of the trees that had begun swaying as the wind picked up. I buried myself deeper into the warmth of my hoodie while I prayed for Ryan to hurry up.

Layla had accompanied Char to her car in order to retrieve her jacket. The poor girl had been standing in a crew neck T-shirt all throughout the game. When the wind begun to pick up she'd been shivering like a leaf. I'd been tempted to send her home but she had insisted on waiting with me.

To distract myself, I took out my phone and begun to scroll trough my Instagram feed. Hannah had made the account for me a few days ago after she discovered I loved photography. I'd never given much thought to social media, but I had to admit I loved the app. I hadn't posted many pictures yet, however I had a good vibe about it. It was nice to share my pictures somewhere other than scrapbooks.

I was still staring at the screen of my phone when I felt the presence of someone near me. I look up startled only to find Emily standing a few feet away. She smiled my way and started forward. She had thrown a navy blue sweater over her cheerleader outfit, her long legs still on display. I wondered how she could walk around on a skirt without goosebumps rising all over her skin.

I schooled my expression into a neutral one just as she stopped at my side.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey." I pocketed my phone and turned my attention towards her. It wasn't nice to ignore people and despite the fact that I'd seen sides of her didn't like, she hadn't done anything to me.

"It's a good thing the storm managed to hold back until the game was over. Isn't it?"

I stared at her. Was she trying to make small talk with me? "Yeah." I struggled for something to say. "I thought you would have already left by now." All cheerleaders had.

"I'm on that." She smiled, her red lips tipping slightly upwards. "Just waiting for my ride."


We studied each other for a minute before she averted her gaze to the parking lot. "Ryan is going to be in there for a while. Are you going to stay alone out here?"

I frowned in confusion. "Char and Layla are on their way."

Her head bobbed up and down. I studied her profile as the wind sent brown strands of her hair flying in wayward directions.

"Charlotte is a nice girl. She should think twice whom she associates with. I wouldn't want anything happening to her."

I opened my mouth to argue but stopped when I realized she wasn't referring to me. She had spoken as if giving a warning, not out of spite.

She wasn't talking about me. She was talking about someone else.

Who was Char hanging out with? Was she in danger?

I opened my mouth to ask but the words froze in my tongue when I heard the sound of an approaching motorcycle.

Our heads snapped up at the same time, watching as the black motorcycle stopped a few feet away.

"That's my ride." I heard Emily's voice somewhere at the back of my mind.

I couldn't take my eyes away from the guy straddling the bike. He put down the kickstand and reached to the sides of his head to take of the helmet and my breathing hitched.

It was him. One of the brothers. The one Ryan had problems with.

The dark hair close to the scalp and longer at the top gave him away. The bomber jacket he had on covered any tattoos that might give him away, but by the outline of his body--hinting at a toned back--I knew it was him.

"Bye Kalley!" Emily shouted as she sprang forward in the direction of the motorcycle. Her long legs crossing the distance in a few strides.

I watched as the guy secured an arm around her waist and bent forward to kiss her with a ferocity I'd never seen before. My eyes drifted to the side awkwardly. It felt like I was intruding some private moment between them which was ridiculous because I'd been here before she came.

They finally pulled away though a bit reluctantly and his eyes connected with mine. They were dark bottomless pits that sent chills down my back. I couldn't help remembering Layla's words as she said they were trouble.

Staring at him though I didn't need her warning, there was something about him that made you back up a step.

He said something to Emily who looked over her shoulder at me and then laughed saying something back to him too low for me to hear before taking the helmet he had offered and climbing behind him on his bike.

He stared at me with narrowed eyes for a beat longer until Emily wrapped her arms around his middle and gave him a squeeze.

His eyes let me go and I drew in air for the first time in what seemed like hours. I stood still as the motorcycle made a turn and speed in the direction it had come, leaving me behind feeling shaky all over.

I stared after them until they disappeared from sight wondering if I should tell the girls about the weird exchange.

There was something about the way he had looked at me that sent chills down my back. Though I couldn't help but think it was my imagination playing tricks on me. What could he have against me? I didn't even knew the guy. Maybe that was the way he stared at everybody.

By the time the girls had made it back to the field house I'd convinced myself to keep quiet. Nothing had happened after all and the last thing I wanted was for them to worry.


a/n: I have a question for you guys here it goes:

Q: What do you think of Emily? Is she good or bad?

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