26. The Game

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"We won! We won!" Hannah shrieked, jumping by my side and shaking my arm a bit too hard.

I didn't complain though, I was on my own bubble of excitement too, shouting along with the crowd. Everybody watched the players take off their helmets and slap their backs with bright smiles.

A rush of energy flowed through me, sending my heart into a constant gallop just by watching from the sidelines. I could hardly imagine what the boys would be feeling after winning their game.

The cheerful feeling in the atmosphere was contagious. The crowd was ecstatic. The school colors navy blue, silver and white took over every surface. Even people wore the school's colours with pride.

But one smile shone brighter than the others. Ryan was laughing with James and another guy as they hugged. The sound of his laugher attracting the attention of every girl in a ten feet radius. Something unfamiliar unfurled in the pit of my stomach as I noticed a group of girls in the crowd watch him in wonder. I had the sudden urge to go down there and shout HE IS MINE! at the top of my lungs until they got the message that he was taken.

I was so over my head.

What was happening to me?

I paused, hands at my sides as a few cheerleaders approached the group. I recognized Emily among them. When she offered a flirty smile and grazed one finger sexily up his arm.

I knew Ryan said they were just friends, but it was hard to accept it when she did things like that. I didn't doubt Ryan for a second, it was her I had the problem with. She had been nice enough when we first met but there was still something that didn't sit right with me. Not able to stand the sight of them together, I turned my attention back on Hannah hoping for a distraction.

Hannah however had stopped jumping and cheering for her boyfriend and was now spotting a murderous expression on her face.

"Oh.Hell.No." She said furiously as she stomped down the bleachers to get to the circle of boys, bumping a few students and making one of them trip and fall. She didn't stop there to offer help this time. The poor guy was clutching his ankle with both hands and letting out some colorful words.

"Never mess with Hannah when she is livid." Said Layla by my side.

"I noted that down a long time ago," I replied shoked."Why though?" I didn't understand her sudden explosion.

"It's Emily," She said pointing to the cheerleader I'd attempted to ignore, who was chatting animatedly with James as she gripped Ryan's forearm.

"She's had something with Ryan before, but as he won't take her again she is trying to make him jealous by flirting with every guy on the team." She explained.

The reminder that Ryan and Emily had history felt like a punch to the gut. Did everyone knew about them?

"I thought she had a boyfriend." Commented Charlotte.

Ryan's sister had already been waiting for us when we got to the football field. She had caught sight of us and came rushing forward to give us each a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you." She'd whispered in my ear.

Fifteen minutes later we were talking like a pair of long-lost friends. There wasn't a thing not to like about her. I understood why Ryan had talked about her with such adoration. There was something so innocent and sweet about her that drew you in.

Besides, she had the looks of his brother. Long dark blond hair that fell to her shoulders and a pair of big jade eyes that made you wonder if she was wearing contact lenses.

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