38. The Message

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Two chapters have been updated. Make sure you read chapter 37 before!


Ryan lifted his head from the crook of my neck to stare down at me. "Tell me anytime you wanna do that again baby."

I shook my head and laughed at his bluntness.

When I looked back at him he was giving me the same pensive expression he had on his face when I had been going through old pictures with his mother. Only this time I had him closer. The softness in his eyes was impossible to miss. My heart skipped a beat as he dragged a finger down my cheek, his eyes following the movement.

Just as I was about to open my mouth he captured my lips for a short kiss. "I'm gonna take care of this." He said as he pulled out and walked towards the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I stared at his backside as he moved then I turned my gaze towards the ceiling.

He didn't have stars on it like I did.

I had just noted that fact when I heard my cell phone buzz. Thinking it was my mother I jumped out of bed searching the floor for my discarded jeans.

Finally I found my phone lying on the carpet next to them. The light from the screen flashing with a new message. I unlocked the screen and what I saw next made me pause on my tracks. My gaze jumped to the bathroom door and back down to the screen of my phone.

My hands started to sweat.

Oh. God.

Oh. God.

It couldn't be true.

I was starting to freak out when Ryan came out of the bathroom dressed in the clothes God gave him the day he was born. The look of horror on my face must have alerted him something was wrong.

"Kels? What's wrong baby?" He walked a few steps toward me but stopped when he noticed I was retreating.

"Kalley?" He looked worried now.

I wanted him to take me into his arms, I wanted to hit him. I shook my head at my confusing thoughts.

"Baby what's wrong?" He noticed the tear sliding down my cheek and his expression turned striken. "Did I hurt you? Gods baby, tell me what has you freaking out!?"

I bit my lip before extending the phone to him. I couldn't form the words. It was too difficult after what had just happened between us.

Ryan took the phone from my hand and stared at the screen, his eyes widening slightly.

I knew what he was looking at, it was a picture of him and Kim sent from an unknown number. They were standing together facing the camera and smiling. The date on the bottom stated it had been taken two years ago so at least his story matched.

There was one problem though, Reed's story matched too. The girl did look like me if you squinted a bit. What killed me was the message under the picture.

You do look pretty similar don't you think?

"What the hell!?" Ryan exploded. "Who sent you this?"

I shook my head, another tear escaping from the corner of my eye.

"It has to be Reed. That fucking prick. I'm gonna kill him."

I clutched the jeans to my chest as I watched Ryan call the number and get a voicemail before he threw the phone across the room. Luckily it landed on the bed.

"Dammit!" He tugged at the ends of his hair before he walked over to pick up his boxers and shrug them on.

I took the opportunity to tug my panties up my legs and throw on my sweatshirt.

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