25. To Go or Not To Go

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Holy guacamole

The guy could kiss.

Ryan's lips slided over mine igniting every cell in my body. It had been so long since I'd last been kissed it was like awakening from a deep slumber. Every nerve ending sparkled alive as if hit by a bolt of light.

Squirming against the seat, I tried to get closer to him. We were plastered against each other and still it wasn't enough. The hard planes of his chest molded against mine and my eyes closed as I lost myself to the sensation.

I wanted this, him, more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life.

Ryan tilted his head to the side, his lips soft against mine, teasing.  He kept the kiss slow, unhurried. His mouth moved against mine, taking its time to taste, prob and nibble as if wanting to memorize the shape of my lips underneath his.

I kissed him back, pouring into it all the pent-up hunger and want I'd been withholding for weeks. My hands unclenched from his T-shirt to brush against his jaw, fingers entwining in the hairs at the base of his neck.

A groan escaped Ryan's lips as I tugged him closer, echoing his movements as I bit his lower lip.

He pulled away an inch, his breathing ragged.

I watched as his chest rose and fell at an uneven rithm. It was nice knowing I affected him just as much as he did me.

Taking a deep breath to calm the wild beat of my heart, the only thing I could think of was--wow. It was never like this. Never. And the only thing we did was kiss. I could only imagine what it would feel eventually if we explored other things...

Just the thought of it had my body reacting in a way that was unfamiliar to me.

My eyes didn't stray from Ryan as he clenched his eyes shut and dropped his forehead against mine.

An odd feeling swept through me. It had been a second, but there was something about the way his brows pinched together, how his eyes squeezed tightly as if he was trying to erase something from his thoughts. Or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me.

I didn't have much time to dwell on it because Ryan's green eyes opened, locking fiercely on mine and any thoughts I'd had fled my brain.

His left hand reached out to tuck a loose tendril of hair behind my ear and the intimacy of the gesture melted my heart a bit.

We stood like that, staring into each others eyes until our breathing evened out. It wasn't a comfortable position to be in, squeezed together on the front passenger seat, I could feel the handle digging into my back, but there was no way I was moving.

One side of Ryan's lips tugged up in his trademark smirk.

"So..." He trailed off.

I stared at him waiting for whatever it was he needed to say.

"Did my kissing skills make you wet your panties?"

A groan escaped my mouth and I pushed him away with both hands. Why did he have to do that? Why would he ruin a great moment by making an arrogant comment?

"Ryan! That's gross."

He moved back to his seat chuckling to himself. At least he didn't continue it.

He glanced at me briefly and a new fit of laughter followed.

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself." He shook his head to the sides. "Your face is priceless."

I gave him an eye roll.

He was still chuckling as he pulled away from the curb and back into the main street.

I stared out the window as he drove, my brain catching up on the events of the past few minutes. My lips still tingled from his assault. And If I could see my reflection in a mirror right now I was sure they'd look puffier than ever. I held the urge to reach with my fingers and confirm my suspicion, not wanting Ryan to think I was hung up on the kiss. He'd never let me live that down.

"So...you'll be there on Friday."

Ryan's voice broke the quiet in the car.

My head whipped towards him and I rose my brows.

"I don't recall ever saying yes."

His mouth twitched.

"Please, it was just a kiss. Did it really had such an effect?"

I choked.

"I...You didn't---" I stopped frustrated when I noticed he was enjoying riling me up."Argh!"

He was doing this on purpose.

"It's nice to know I have mind numbing skills--" He continued.

I had the sudden urge to unbuckle my belt and reach out a hand to tangle in his hair and yank him towards me so I could kiss him senseless. Gosh! He got on my nerves.

"I never said anything about going to the game on Friday."

His gaze strayed briefly from the road to shoot me a smile.

"You were about to."

"Well, now I'm reconsidering."

"I told my sister you were going to be there. She's been anxious to meet you you know."

Every thought that was swirling inside my head froze in time.

"You have a sister?"

He had a sister?

How did I not know that?

"Yes." He was still facing the front, but it was impossible not to see the expression on his face for what it really was: adoration. "Charlotte. She's a junior at The Walker. You'll love her."

I watched the soft smile that tugged at his lips and I couldn't help my own from curving upwards.

Charlotte. She was lucky to have a brother who thought the world of her.

Now that I thought about it,  James had mentioned her once or twice during our lunch break. I had though she was some common friend of theirs, it never crossed my mind to think that she was related to Ryan.

I was so going to that game.

Being there on Friday not only meant I'd be able to check one more thing off my list, but also I'd be able to get to know Charlotte.

And the most important reason why I was attending, I'd be able to discover more of the mystery that was Ryan Evans.

a/n: Things are starting to get spicy. We are almost halfway through the book! I can hardly believe it.

Let me know what you think about the story guys, I'd love to hear from you. Also if you could just tap that little star at the bottom to show your support I'd be forever grateful. It really motivates me to keep writing.

Love always 💛

PD: I'd love if you checked out my other work. It's more Chick Lit than YA, but it's coming up pretty good and I'd like to have some feedback on it. You can always find it on my profile --->

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