42. Growing Up

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"You did the right thing."

"I know."

We were hanging out in my room the following morning with the door open---at my mother's request---laying on our backs and staring at the stars on my ceiling.

"It wasn't easy. I really itched to plummet him down on the asphalt and beat the shit out of him after everything he did." Ryan paused, reaching out to play with a lock of my hair.

"Why didn't you?" I wondered. Though I had the feeling I knew what his answer would be.

His brow furrowed as if in deep thought, and I didn't have to wait long before he answered honestly.

"I would have liked that. God knows I wanted to. But the things you told me that day in the kitchen kept circling inside my head over and over again. And I realized you were right. I knew I had to break the cycle because he wouldn't do it. I knew if didn't put an end to it, if I kept retaliating---like he expected me to---I'd end up dragging the people I loved down with me. And I didn't want that."

I was speechless.

I had thought his answer would be along those lines but I'd never expected that. He really had heard my advice that day, even though at the time he had dismissed and ignored it. That thought alone made something swell inside my chest.

"The last two weeks helped me understand that protecting those you love means there would be times when you'd have to make  sacrifices," He continued. "And even though for a third party it might look like you are retreating like a coward, you'd know you gave everything out there. You helped me realize that sometimes backing out takes more strength and courage than throwing the first punch."

I blinked back the sudden wetness on my eyes as his words permeated my thoughts. The swelling at my chest threatening to explode.

I loved him.

I loved him so much.

He was the bravest and more confident guy I ever knew. The way he managed the situation yesterday proved it. He wasn't anyone's toy.

Lifting myself on an elbow, I placed my weight on my left forearm and leaned over him, my mouth tipping up at the corners. His eyes shifted from the lock he was twirling around his finger to my face. "Why the smile?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Do you know how much I admire you?" I asked.

He let out a groan, cupping the back of my head to pull me down onto his chest.

"I think I fall more and more in love with you every day." I whispered.

His free hand clamped around my waist and he rolled us over, taking me with him until I lay with my back on the bed, his head buried on my neck. "Stop it."

"You are so confident." I persisted.


"So caring."

"I love you." He whispered achingly, raining kisses down my neck.

I threaded my fingers through his short hair, drawing him closer to where I really wanted him.

"I love you." He repeated before his mouth covered mine.

The kiss was hard and slow, sweet and deep and everything in between. Ryan's hand run up and down my side as our mouths moved together and I prayed my mother wouldn't decide to walk by the door at that moment.

For a long time we kissed under the stars like two lovesick teenagers that had just found out the meaning of love. When we finally broke apart we were both struggling for breath.

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