40. Mending Hearts

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a/n: For those of you who received a notification telling you I updated chapter 40 Sorry for the slight mishap! I was actually editing the chapter on my phone and pressed the publish button accidentally. *face palm*
Anyway, here it is! A slightly longer chapter to make up for it.

Time adjustment: I just wanted to clear some things regarding the time. In my mind I had planned for this chapter to happen after winter break but then I realized I'd never actually mentioned winter break or the holidays in any way. Ups! --- one of the many things to check once I go over the book again.

Just know that the actual time here is between Jan-Feb. It doesn't really change much the main plot but when you start calculate the time didn't add up. Less than three months together? My, if they weren't fast. ^.^



You called? 19:21

Where are you? 19:21

Answer me 19:24

Answer me 19:30

You're starting to worry me

If you don't answer in the next fifty minutes I'm gonna tell mum you left with that scumbag and haven't returned yet 19:47

Don't try me sis. I'll do it 19:54

I lifted my eyes from the screen to the sleeping form lying on my couch. The blonde head peeked out of the comforter I'd laid over her a few minutes ago after she had finally fallen asleep.


The owner of the phone whose brother was going crazy.

You might be wondering what was Charlotte doing at my house. Well, here's the recap of the last two hours.

The bell rang just as I was about to sit and go over my application forms. Mum had left half an hour ago on a date with Phil so I wondered who could be showing up at the doorstep until I peeked through the peephole and caught sight of her.

"Charlotte?" I asked surprised, opening the door with a yank.

Her face snapped up at the sound of my voice and my breathing stopped.

If the obvious signs that gave away her vulnerability passed on unnoticed at first by my confused daze, the tear streaks and the puffy eyes made me do a double take.

"Char?" I asked tentatively as I took a step closer. It was obvious she had been crying. And thinking that someone had made sweet pure Charlotte cry like that made me behave like a protective mother goose.

She bit her lip while nervously wringing her hands together, "Can I come in?"

I stepped aside immediately, leading her towards the couch.

It wasn't till I sat beside her and asked what was wrong that she lost it. She broke into more tears, sobbing against my T-shirt.

"H-he was right." Was the only thing that left her mouth for a while until she calmed down enough to explain what had happened.

My heart ached for her. It felt useless knowing the only thing I could do was draw her closer and squeeze her tighter.

Her phone buzzed again in my hand, drawing me back to the present.

Charlotte Goddammit! Answer the damn phone. 20:09

My heart flipped at what I was about to do. I would be lying if I said part of me wasn't looking forward to it.

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