34. Truth or Lie

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I stared at the glowing stars on my bedroom ceiling as my mind went over and over the conversation. As soon as I got back home I hurried over to the bedroom knowing I wouldn't be able to hide anything from my mum. By the time I reached my door I was barely holding back tears.

I was pretty sure my mother had already realized something was wrong, but the expression on my face when she asked if I needed anything must have alerted her to stay away. One of the things I loved about mum, she gave me time to figure my shit out and then, a few hours later when I'd calmed down, she'd pop by to get her answers.

I had wept, I had thrown my pillows off the bed, I'd pulled my hair, I'd listened to shitty music, I'd done everything. That's how now I found myself lying on my back, cuddling with the jacket Ryan had lent me months ago when he took me home from Taylor's party, and thinking what things I could have said differently or approached another way. Had I been too direct? Too nosy? And worse, what was Ryan doing now? When will I see him again? Was he ever going to let me in? Will we fix this mess? Was there still a we?

My mind was going crazy.

I thought that as his girlfriend I had the right to know things about his life. He couldn't just keep everything under wraps, under the pretense of protecting me. I mean, I had to know the person I was building a relationship with, didn't I?

He should have told me.

But maybe I should have brought the subject up in a different way.

He had been really mad. He had never spoken to me like that.

The only time I heard him speak that way was when I saw him arguing with one of the Traffords. According to the latest revelations,Charlotte's guy. Guy friend. Boyfriend. Whatever.

He had actually snapped at me.

The thought alone made my eyes mist.

Yeah, I had been out of place. I should have kept things to myself.

What the hell had I been thinking?

And why was I mopping around and doing nothing to fix this?

I turned my head to the clock on my nightstand. It was midnight. It had been almost six hours since I watched Ryan's Mazda pull away from my house.

My racing thoughts would keep me up all night if I didn't do something.

I was just about to reach for my phone when it beeped with a new message.

My heart leapt to my throat and my fingers shook as I reached for it.

Ryan: I'm sorry.

I stared at the screen for a few minutes until the coil of tightness that had fisted around my heart eased a bit. It felt like I had been drowning and was finally able to take a deep breath.

He texted me.

We were good. He was sorry.

We would fix it.

I swallowed nervously as I sat up straighter on the bed, legs tucked under my butt. I typed my text and then waited a few seconds before sending it.

Me: I'm sorry too.

His reply was immediate.

Ryan: I want to talk. I need to explain. Can we meet tomorrow?

My eyes scanned over his words again and again. Could it be possible?

Me: I'm going to the movies with mum tomorrow, but I could ask her to drop me off somewhere after we're finished.

Ryan: Great. She can drop you at my house. I'll take you back later.

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