37. Never Let Go

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[Warning: This chapter contains a mature scene. Read at you own risk.]


We stumbled into his room still clinging to each other. Ryan managed to kick the door behind him before walking forward and dropping me on the bed. A giggle slipped past my lips as I bounced on the mattress.

I watched as he tugged off his  sneakers and dropped his jacket carelesly on the floor. It was close to sunset and the dim light filtering through the blinds offered just enough light to make out the shape of his body. I still couldn't believe I was going to do this.

Ryan was smiling as he climbed over me. "What's funny?"

I shook my head as my eyes danced with mirth. "Nothing."

"Is it my seductive skills?" He murmured as he skimmed his lips down my jaw.

I shook my head again as I clutched at his shoulders. He understood my silent command and dropped down to his forearms caging me in and bringing our bodies close together.

We kissed and kissed until I was crazy with longing. His hands guided my jaw as his mouth slanted over mine. He groaned as our tongues touched and had I been standing my knees would have buckled.

My hands moved up, taking his T-shirt along with them as they climbed higher on his back. Before I knew it, Ryan had tugged his T-shirt off and was leaning over me bare chested. I didn't have much time to appreciate the view before he was kissing me again. I leaned into him, letting my hands explore every inch of skin he had uncovered until they reached the button on his jeans.

He paused then, one of his hands flattenning over my bare stomach without me knowing how it had gotten there. When my eyes met his I knew he was asking permission to go further.

I nodded and he didn't waste time tugging the sweater up and over my head, my sweatshirt followed. Soon I was lying under him in my plain cotton bra and jeans.

His head bent to drop kisses along my collarbone and down between my breasts which rose and fell unevenly. I squirmed under him as he kept with his ministrations, raining kisses down my stomach and up again.

When his right hand moved to the clasp of my bra I stilled. He held my eyes as his hand did a quick work of my bra, then, without giving me time to cover myself, he tugged one nipple into his mouth. I moaned as he sucked on it, twirling his tongue around and biting it slightly. My back arched off the bed as my hands threaded through his hair. I was ashamed of my behavior but I couldn't stop. I pulled him tighter towards me just as he turned his attention on my other breast.

I moaned his name as the need to hold him closer became unfathomable.

His head lifted then, eyes bright as he stared at my body sprawled under his. I resisted the urge to cover myself, thankful for the low lighting. "Beautiful." He muttered softly as his hand caressed my stomach and higher, finally coming to rest over my breast. I didn't realize until later he had placed his hand over my heart.

His words gave me the courage I needed to shrug of any reservations left.

My hands unbuttoned his pants and started pushing them down his strong thighs. Ryan helped me shrugging them off, then my jeans were gone too and we stood staring at each other with just our underware as barrier.

As I stared into his green eyes the  nervousness came back. "Ryan, I..." I took a breath and tried again. "I've never..."

He bit his lips to hide his smile. "I know."

I stared at him baffled. "You do?"

He couldn't hold back the smile this time. "Yeah." He leaned in for a quick kiss.

"How?" I asked rattled by his answer. How had he figured it out? Was I doing something wrong?

"I assumed you've never done it by the way you responded to me." He confirmed my fear.

"Did I do something wrong?"

He laughed. "No. You can never do it wrong Kels. It was just your eagerness and how you went crazy when I touched you, which by the way is a complete turn on."

"Oh." I muttered.

"Yeah, oh." He teased. "We could stop here if you want to. We could wait. I'd be perfectly content with what we've just been doing."

I stared at him. He was doing the chivalrous thing, I knew. He felt it was his duty to give me an out. The thing was, I didn't want one. And I had the feeling that deep down he was hoping I wouldn't accept his offer.

"I want to." I said.

His eyes smoldered.

Then he bent to kiss me long and deep, the lenght of his body pressing against mine. I felt his large bulge rub against my core and my legs parted on their own. His pelvis fit perfectly against mine as his body started a slow rithm.

His hands came up to cradle my face and his forehead dropped against mine as he spoke to me in between short breaths, "It's gonna burn at first baby but it will get better after. Ok?"

I nodded, gasping as he rubbed against me through the barrier of our underware.

"I'll make it good for you Kels." He whispered as his hand slid down over my belly and inside my panties.

I took in a sharp breath as he touched the most intimate part of me.

"Relax." He murmured against my lips as he kissed me lightly.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on his mouth and the sweet words he whispered to me. Then one by one my muscles started to relax.

"That's it baby. You look so beautiful right now."

He kept praising me and rubbing his thumb against my most intimate part and I felt my orgasm build up and up until I was coming all over his fingers. He captured my cry with his mouth and I surrendered completely, my body sagging back against the bed.

Through blurry eyes I watched his silhouette as he moved to the night table and I knew he had picked up a condom. I was lucky he could still think clearly because I was too far gone to think about protection.

He climbed back above me and the last article of clothing that separated us was pushed down my legs. I caught a glimpse of him before he positioned himself at my opening. The strain on his face was evident as he tried to hold back.

I lifted one hand to rest against his cheek. "It's OK." I reassured him.

"I'm sorry." Was his answer as he surged inside.

I winced at the pain that followed. Ryan stood still until the burning sensation eased then he pulled out slowly. I made a sound of protest that turned into into a gasp when he slammed home again. He did it again, never taking his eyes from me, and this time I lifted my hips to meet his thrust. Ryan groaned in approval.

We moved together, our bodies following the rithm as we both reached for that promising state of bliss looming on the horizon. Our skin was damp with sweat and our breathing labored as passion cursed through our veins. I bit my lip trying to contain the moans, but tiny little noises made their way up my throat. My body felt on fire as I clung to him and I felt it coming again just as his hand reached between us. One touch and I went over the edge crying out his name. Ryan followed, groaning as he spent himself inside me.

His weigh dropped over me, trapping me against the bed as we both tried to regain our breath, and with the last of my strenght I circled him with my arms and legs and clutched him to me.

It took everything in me not to blurt those three little words.

He had just given me the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced and I knew I would never let go.

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