39. The Space Between Us

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a/n: Hey, I'm posting this fresh out of the oven chapter just for you guys. Sorry it took some time I have been swamped with activities and work this week. I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter so maybe I'll edit some minor things--when and if I have the time some day-- later on.

I'm posting it because you've been really patient with me. Thank you for all your support.  You are the best!


It was a cold windy afternoon. Four days had gone by since that evening at Ryan's room and still my thoughts kept me awake at night. Dark circles had greeted me the next morning when I looked in the mirror. The lack of sleep took a toll on me. Luckily I'd been able to cover it up with make up, although I couldn't fool my friends. They knew something was wrong right away when my mother dropped me off at school on Monday.

I had spent all night wondering how high was the possibility that Hannah and Layla knew about Ryan's reasons to fix his sights on me. After going back and forth in my jumbled thoughts I finally accepted the truth: They knew all along. I was 95 per cent sure they had known everything there was to know about dear Kim.

It had taken a lot of self control and a few deep breaths to keep calm and not do something I would later regret. But they had known.

They had known and said nothing.

Music came through my headphones as I recalled Hannah and Layla cornering me in the bathroom after I had walked right past them in the hallway.

I had decided not to trust anyone. They had all contributed to making me feel like an idiot. Staring at the ceiling at night I wondered how I could have possibly thought that moving to another state was going to solve anything.

The worst thing was facing Ryan again. I couldn't do it. I knew I would break if I happened to look into his warm green eyes. It took a lot of effort to keep from bolting out the doors as I walked to my first class, books clutched to my chest.

It had been torture. Seeing Ryan again had been exactly as I had thought, a stabbing pain shoot through my heart. Paying attention to the lecture was out of question.

When the bell rang my body sagged in relief. Then I realized the torture had barely started. I hadn't considered how I'd be able to ignore all of them when we all sat on the same table at the cafeteria. In a moment decision I made a dash for the bathroom.

Layla wouldn't have it though. She and Hannah followed me and finally caught up just as I was about to lock myself into a stall.

Her attitude immediately brought an answer out of me and all the accusations I had stored in came out of my mouth. Hannah looked contrite. Layla serious.

It took some more control to patiently hear them out. I stood silent as they told me everything they knew and the reasons why they believed Ryan had real feelings towards me. At one time I would have agreed with them, but now I wasn't so sure. They made some sound explanations though and I couldn't hold on to my anger anymore after that. It was exhausting to hold a grudge.

"No matter what, we are with you on this girl. We are your friends and friends take each other's backs." Layla had said.

The song ended and I almost started weeping right there when the first notes from Little do you know started playing. I pushed myself to go faster instead, my feet pounding against the gravy as the wind bit my cheeks.

Just like the girl on the song I needed more time. More time to think things through, to reach inside me and find the will to forgive him. I knew he was waiting for me.

One week.

That was what he had said.

"One week and then I'm coming for you."

Just thinking about him taking me into his arms again made my chest squeeze.


Love makes one stupid.

But what else could I think when I feel his eyes on me, stealing a glance every few minutes. When Hannah tells me he looks like he is going through hell. When I accidentally catch the longing in his eyes?

I couldn't accept it had all been mere attraction. That I had been another girl for him to tease and play with. He had to have felt something. It hadn't been one sided.

For once in my life I had been content, sure, confident on myself. Now he made me question everything. I had tried to think about something else but it was no use, my thoughts always circled back to him.

I slowed down the rithm to a jog and then to a walk as I breathed some air into my lungs. Moving to the grass to stretch my legs, my eyes moved absently over the people loitering the park. A group of teenage boys were playing ball a few feet away. Their shouts and cheers carried away by the wind. Behind them, an elderly couple walked hand by hand along the path. There was a couple at one of the benches whispering to each other, the picture they painted looked so intimate I quickly tore my eyes away.

Stretching knew leg to the side I focused on relaxing my muscles. I closed my eyes briefly and took another deep breath. The smell of fresh grass and hot dogs from the nearby stand hit my nostrils. It was when I opened my eyes that something grabbed my attention.

I squinted as I tried to identify the two figures standing further away to the left. There was something familiar about the way they moved but I couldn't identify what it was. I was about to take a step closer when one of them took of his beanie and run a hand through his hair. Something about the movement jarred my memory.

Not them.

God, not them.

Reed had been right. I knew he had been. He opened my eyes to see what was in front of me, but still, after what Ryan told me I didn't trust him.

It wasn't had to set them apart. Reed was the angry one, leaning towards his brother. Dylan on the other hand had put the beanie back on his head and stood on a defensive stance, not cowering in front of his brother.

They were arguing. The contrast between the brothers couldn't be more noticeable. I understood Charlotte's observations now. Dylan was composed, in control of himself, whereas his brother let out all the steam not bothering to hold anything back.

Finally, when it was aparent Reed had finished with his tirade Dylan spoke. I could only tell by the movement of his mouth and the finger he pointed at his brother. Then he turned and walked over to the bike he had parked a few feet away. He turned to give one last parting word before climbing into his bike and disappearing from sight.

Reed stood there for a few seconds before he turned and strode away.

I frowned. Then I decided their problems were none of my concern. I had more important and urgent things to solve.

Like what I would do in three days when my time was finally up.

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