41. Taking a stand

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I stood at the window, watching the snow covered lane, as I've been doing for the last fifteen minutes after I received the text from Ryan. His message had simply said that he'll be here to pick me up in half an hour and then we'll be going to the cinema. Apparently Char was feeling a bit down after last week's events and he wanted to take her out so she'd cheer up. Layla was tagging along too. I had texted Hannah but she had already planned a date night with James so that only left the four of us.

A pair of lights reflected against the white snow, bright against the decreasing light of the day and then Ryan's Mazda was pulling in at the curb. I pulled shut the curtains, my heart beating with a mixture of anxiousness and dread as I recalled the last time I saw Charlotte. When I first met her she reminded me so much of a ray of sunshine that I never thought something could dampen her spirit, but this thing with Dylan definitely shook her. It made me want to tear at him for hurting her that way.

I hurried over to the couch where I'd thrown my jacket and purse. "Ryan's here!" I shouted to my mum who was busy in the kitchen.

"Ok honey, be careful and have fun!" She replied, her head peeking over the breakfast bar.

I threw her a kiss before I sauntered down the drive towards the car. Ryan leaned over to open the door for me while the car was still running. I climbed in, turning to face him ready to make a joke, but my next words caught in my throat when he greeted me with a bright smile.

"Hey beautiful."

"Umh..." I blinked, still dazed.

Ryan chuckled, leaning over my seat. "Don't you forget anything?"

I looked down to make sure I had my purse with me. "Uhm no---"

Before I could finish he tipped my chin up with his finger and covered my mouth with his. My body gave in to the sweet pressure of his lips, sagging back against the seat as I responded eagerly to his soft kisses. 

This last week he had been surprising me with unexpected shows of affection that melted my heart. I swear If I hadn't been in love with him already I would have definitely fallen after all the sweet kisses and innocent touches that said more than a hundred words. It seemed like he was trying to convey how much he loved me through every simple action, not even caring if he looked 'pussy whipped' as one of his football friends had said one day. Ryan had simply shrugged his comment off and proceeded to make out with me right in the middle of the cafeteria. Some shouts and cat calls followed and for a moment I was grateful the only thing they could see was the back of his head while I died of embarrassment. 

His mouth coerced my lips apart and I had just ceded, deepening the kiss when a voice at the back almost made me choke.

"Innocent bystanders here. Please do not taint our eyes with R rated scenes." Layla said.

Ryan chuckled, leaning back against his seat while I turned to the back seat where Layla and Char were sitting both with identical goofy grins.

"Hi guys." I greeted, cheeks burning.

"Hey you. I always thought too much time with Hannah and James would give me a toothache, but after a day with you two I will definitely end up with diabetes."

I pressed my lips together to hold back a laugh, looking at Char as if she could help me out of the predicament I found myself in.

"I think you are the cutest." She supplied. 

"Thanks sis." Ryan smiled, pulling away from the curb.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the girls. 

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