12. Bewitched

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a/n: Taylor at the 🔝


"Another one?" Taylor asked already reaching for a bottle.

I shook my head as I placed my empty glass on the bar, "No, thanks. I'd like to stay straight headed."

"You don't trust me to watch your back?" He said with a mischievous smirk, dropping his elbows on the bar and leaning his torso towards me.

"I don't trust anyone." I stated, a bit flustered by his closeness.

Even though I haven't been in a party before didn't mean I was naive. I've read about them, heard about the crazy things people did, some seemed appealing, others not that much. And I wasn't planning on getting wasted, spending the night with my head in the toilet and waking up in the morning with a headache that could break my skull in half. At least not yet. Not until I knew someone would keep an eye on me or else the probabilities of making it to the next morning with my V card still intact would be scarce.

His eyes scanned my face and then came right up to fix on mine,"You do good princess." He whispered, his breath fanning my cheeks.

Too much for staying straight headed.

"Brooks," A voice I knew too well interrupted, "Marty was looking for you. Something to do with your mother's china."

That made him snap out of wherever he'd gone to while staring at my face.

"Crap!" Taylor said, running a hand through his brown hair. He looked at me and then at Ryan, who was approaching us, debating whether to leave or not. Muttering something to himself, he stepped away, "I'll catch up with you later Kalley." He shouted over the beat of the music. I nodded at him, following his back as he passed Ryan and I could swear he said something to him under his breath before he turned and disappeared in the hallway.

I frowned. Not liking to be left out. Ryan's words circled my head. His mother's china? That sounded like bullshit.

I could still feel his presence to my right and I turned my body his way, looking up at him with a scowl, "His mother's china?" I asked incredulously.

The green on his irises looked darker than they usually did on daytime as they connected with mine. He shrugged his broad shoulders, taking a step closer. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

He lied. He seriously needed to stick his nose back where it belonged. Why had I ever wished for him to be here?

I shook my head and let out a dry laugh, "Are you joking?" I raised my voice over the music that was getting louder and louder as the party went on.

He looked me dead on, all trace of humor gone, "No."

I stared at him stunned.

Had he really admitted that he'd made an excuse to drive Taylor away. So he could take his place next to me. Yes he had.

"Maybe you shouldn't butt in what's not your business." I snapped irritated.

How could he? Why would he stick his nose where it did not belong? I never asked to have him as my guardian.

"I can butt in wherever I want." He had the nerve to say.

I began to feel the heat building inside of me as my thoughts kept running in my head. My eyes narrowed into slits, "You seriously just sent him away without a freaking reason?!"

"I had a reason."

I threw my hands in the air, "Yeah, right. What was your reason huh? Please enlighten me because I don't seem to get it. I was having a nice time. We were having a nice time and then you came and--"

My line of thoughts got messed up the moment his hand wrapped around mine, interlacing our fingers.


Suddenly his face was inches from mine, his gorgeous eyes looking into my soul, "You are my business Kalley, I'd like to make that clear, and I don't like watching how other guys think they can sniff around and butt into what's mine."

His warm minty breath caressed my face and I forgot how to breathe.

Jesus. I'd thought that these things only happened on books, I should have argued with him, told him I was not his, like all those confident girls did, but here I was. His beautiful athletic body inches from mine, breaths mingling.

His eyes made a sweep over my face, slowing at my cheeks, where I was almost sure a blush was giving away my thoughts. "Dance with me?" he asked.

I couldn't talk. Not even consider the oddity of his request. After all, I have yet to see someone dancing.

Inside my chest my heart beat faster than a humming bird's wings.

I nodded.

He smiled.

That wicked one sided smile I couldn't resist. I was bewitched. I was sure of it, or else I would have never let him whisk me towards the backyard, his hand clasped securely around my waist.

a/n: Short chapter, but I needed to get it out. I already have some chapters written so I hope it won't take as long to update as this chapter did. Sorry guys, what can I say, I'm a busy gal.

Tell me what you think!
-Was Kalley right to get mad?
-Is she too weak when it comes to Ryan?

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