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THE HARSH wind blew across the streets of Seoul. everyone was gripping tightly onto their coats and jacket, hoping it would block out the coldness from the strong wind.

everyone's hair looked wild after stepping out from the harsh wind outside, they looked as if they just came back from battle.

meanwhile, the boy sat on his balcony in the harsh wind. he could feel the wind brushing his cheeks, ever so softly. he's eyes were shut, not that he didn't minded.

the boy had lost his eyesight from an accident a few months ago. you wouldn't imagine how scary it was to open your eyes and find nothing but darkness.

he kept his eyes shut, hoping the bottom of his eyes would show some light; telling him that he had regain his eyesight.

the boy's eyes slowly opened as someone knocked softly on his bedroom door, interrupting the silence that was surrounding his dark room.

"master, I brought you some lunch." the boy heard the same lady that had been working in the household for years said. "put it on the table." the boy answered.

he wasn't in the mood to eat, all he wanted was to sit here, quietly and enjoy the wind that was brushing his cheeks.

"enjoy, young master." the boy turned his head slightly as he heard the door closed behind him, his hand slowly run across the table beside him.

he grabbed the cold metal fork and poke something on his plate, the smell of mashed potatoes and cooked beef was visible to him.

he chewed on the meat in his mouth, enjoying the taste of if. even if he couldn't see, he was still lucky that he wasn't deaf or mute.

ever since that accident, the only place the boy had ever been close enough with the outside world was his balcony. he's parents wouldn't let him out.

he had spend most of his time either in the library around the house or at his balcony, there wasn't much to do in the mansion anyways.

not many people visits the boy, everyone was busy with school and work. the boy didn't, he would use he's phone to listen to some books or paint.

the boy was born with natural talent, he could draw and paint, with or without his eyesight. his voice was almost as sweet as honey when he sings.

but he had been kept inside for so long, people rarely hear it anymore. almost as if, people had forgotten about his angelic voice.

the boy stood up from his seat, finding his way to his bedroom door but before he could walk any further. he was stopped by one of the butlers.

"young master, is there something you need?" the voice of his personal butler stopped him. "Charles" the boy said. "yes?" charles voice spoke.

"is my parents home?" the boy couldn't hold it anymore, he wanted to go out and walk around. "no sir" he got the answer he wanted.

"charles, can you take me out." the boy prayed he would but the answer was always the same, "I'm sorry, young master." the boy sighed.

"please charles, I'm sick of staying inside all day. there's nothing to do in this bullshit filled house anyways." the boy was frustrated.

but charles understood why the boy was acting like this, there was lots of time where charles wanted to take him outside but he didn't want to get in trouble.

"maybe, just for a few minutes walk around the garden." the boy sighed, it was better than being lock upstairs all day and plus the garden was massive.

"alright." charles guided the boy downstairs and to the back door. the maids and chefs stopped to stare at the boy.

the boy could fell their eyes on him but he ignored all of them and walked into the garden. he felt the harsh wind brushing his cheeks again.

he was finally outside, the boy didn't bother to wear the shoes that were place beside him, he just took off the ones he wore around the house.

he stepped on the grass and it brought a smile on his face. he felt the soft grass under his feet, charles smiled at the boy. "thank you, charles."

"you're welcome, sir." the boy walked around more, feeling the grass as he walked. he's hand reached for the bushes he felt.

"those are roses, sir" the boy's hand brushed the petals softly, before taking a deep breath. he truly missed the outside world and he was happy.

SURPRISE, welcome to my new book. this is a jungkook/jeongguk fanfic.

this chapter is based of jeongguk's side, the next one would be the main girl character's side.

also I decided to make a jeongguk book again, because it's been years since I wrote a jeongguk fanfic.

anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!
lots of love,

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